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I was in the middle of writing a couple of upbeat songs for tonight's show I was done with the last song proud of my work. The suite is empty after Maisie leaves at 5:30 in the morning I'm alone in the large suite for the rest of the day till Maisie comes back usually I met her upstairs in the club. The telephone rang in the family room should I answer the phone? What if it's someone important asking for Maisie and me a woman picks up her suite telephone. I watched it ring and ring till I picked it up putting it to my ear " hello?".

" Hi, sweetheart" I let out a deep breath that I didn't even realize that I was holding and felt the relief leave my chest. It was just Maisie.

" I hoped that you'll pick up. I don't have a lot of time so, I'll make this quick. I'm afraid I can't make it to your show tonight, sweetheart" I sat on the sofa crossing my legs over each other.

" Why, not. How am I going to get in?" I haven't done a show without Maisie in the audience since I first stepped on that stage with an live audience. I get nervous before getting on stage but knowing that I could see her in the audience eases my nerves and I mainly just keep my eye on her during my set.

" I have an radio interview tonight for the picture. I was just notified".

" Why, can't you just do it another time. I need you there, Maisie. I can't perform without you there".

" I don't make my schedule, sweetheart. Whatever the studio wants I have to do. I have arranged an escort for you a very good friend of mine. She'll arrive at the hotel at 6:30 to pick you up she'll get you in the club I assure you and I'll try not to be too long and as soon as my interview is done. I'll come straight to see you, okay" my anxiety heightened and my palms started to sweat. She could feel my anxiety through the telephone.

" Don't feel nervous, sweetheart. Everyone in there will love you. I got to go, I'll come as soon as I can. I promise goodbye".

" Goodbye".

My heart started to pound and my hands started to shake I try to keep myself calm with deep breaths, distracting my brain with music as I got ready for my performance tonight. I did my makeup, curling my hair putting 2 little braids in the front before changing into a pink dress with red polka dots being very pleased of how I looked wanting to dress to impress. It was 10 minutes to 6:30 I put on some red pumps grabbing my purse taking the elevator down to the lobby where I walked onto Hollywood boulevard cars drove passed but they never stopped.

A black 1940's ford pulled up in front of me the driver stepped out " Olivia Rodrigo?" the chauffeur asked, who did Maisie arranged to have me picked up.

" Yes" he opened up the door to reveal the one and only Judy Garland. She was even more beautiful in person her red hair was vibrant. She wore a black gown covered in pearls " Ms. Olivia. I'm here to escort you for the evening" giving me a sweet and welcoming smile.

I got into the car " Maisie has told me all about you. I'm delighted to see you perform tonight. She told me about that beautiful voice that you have. Oh, where are my manners I'm Judy Garland" everyone in the world knows who she is.

" Pleased to meet you Judy. I always admired your music, you were a good singing role model to me, I've always listened to you and your music. I can't believe I'm being escorted from my singing idol" she laughed, she was a sweet woman and talked the whole drive to the Ciros nightclub.

The driver pulled us up to the front entrance Judy stepped out first then I " welcome back Ms. Garland it's been a while" the jumper said.

" It sure has. This is my friend Olivia she's the entertainment tonight" Judy said sweetly.

" Oh, welcome ladies" letting us pass the red velvet rope the other worker wearing all black opened another door the entrance to the nightclub.

The nightclub was overly crowded with starlets men wore nice suits and the women wore the most beautiful evening gowns the decor theme inside was simple yet trendy " you want a drink, Olivia?" Judy asked as we walked up to the bar.

My secret Love Olivia Rodigo x femWhere stories live. Discover now