chapter 1

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Mo was educating her children, she served as the teacher since they were-schooled, and Atticus was off on another mission. Mo checked the time and saw that their lunch would take a little while. "Why don't you guys have a little free time and I'll call you in for lunch?" she suggested with a smile to her children.

"Okay Mom." Estelle smiled, she went to one of her princess books and decided to read it in her free time.

Vincent simply just sat back and relaxed.

But for Akito, he had other plans. "I'm gonna go out for a walk." he said.

"Okay dear, keep an ear out." Mo advised to him before she got lunch together for them.

Akito smiled and went out the door, looking all around as it was a very lovely day. It wasn't too hot, but the sun was shining, there was a nice and cool breeze, and it just seemed perfect. Of course, there weren't any other kids just out since Akito didn't go to public school like they did, but this was nice. Plus he could sit down and just think with no trouble. Today seemed like nothing could go wrong, but then a portal appeared out of nowhere in front of Akito, startling him a bit.

"Where did that come from?" he mumbled to himself.

The portal seemed to be sucking and deep, trying to pull him in. Akito tried to avoid it, but he couldn't. He was getting sucked in and he yelled out while he was getting pulled through and probably entering a different dimension.

His screams could be heard as Mo, Vincent, and Estelle looked outside to see what was happening and saw that Akito was lifted off the ground and was pulled into the portal and after he was pulled in the portal closed up. Mo quickly put the timer on the oven and looked out with her other children.

"AKITO!" Estelle rushed over, tears streaming down her face. "Oh, no... He's gone! Where'd he go?" she started to cry.

"Don't worry, honey... I don't know what happened, but I'm sure he's fine..." Mo hugged her daughter.

The portal reappeared, but in a futuristic city. Akito came out of the portal, unknown to him that he got powers.

"Where am I?" Akito muttered to himself, unsure. The only thing he knew for sure though that this definitely was not home.

What he saw was surprising it was a city that looked like it was from the future along with the vehicles and doors many other things.

"Where the heck, did that portal send me? I better find someone so they can tell me." Akito said, walking through the city.

What Akito didn't know was that he was brought to this city by a woman with blonde hair. Akito wasn't sure what else to do, but to explore. He felt like he had just stepped into a science fiction movie because of how futuristic everything seemed. Just, where on Earth was he? Or... Was he even on Earth?

He then finally found people hopefully one of them could tell him where he was or if they could even speak English. And so he then went over to where the group of people were and hopefully that anyone of them could speak English.

"Um, excuse me, but could someone tell me where I am?" Akito asked the group of people.

The people looked at him like he was crazy, but they answered him.

"Why, you're in Acmetropolis of course!" one of the people said, like it was obvious. "Where else would you be?"

"Acmetropolis? Sorry, never heard of that name, I'm new around here." Akito said.

"You must be if you've never heard of this place," the man snorted. "This place has been Acmetropolis since that asteroid hit 500 years ago!"

Akito looked very shocked now. "500 years ago? What year is it?"

"You feelin' okay, son?" the woman asked. "It's 2772!"

Akito's eyes went wider and he fainted in the middle of the ground.

"Strange child..." the adults murmured as they went off.

The woman with blonde hair that sent Akito to Acmetropolis saw what happened and knew that there would need questions answered. "I must tell the Loonatics to pick him up and to bring him to the tower, he may be the hope we're looking for to stand against my brother and this new ally." The blonde woman said before going to inform the hero team.

Akito and the LoonaticsWhere stories live. Discover now