I looked away from her and intertwined our fingers for the rest of the now short car ride.

"What do you think Zoë and Quinn are up to?" I asked her as we finally reached further into the city but not quite past the suburbs.

"To be honest..." she trailed off.

"Yeah." I said

"Probably sleeping together by now. I spent almost two consecutive hours helping Quinn pick out the right coloured panties for tonight." She sighed and I laughed.

Valentina was who my friends were to me while her friends, or maybe just Quinn, was me to my friends.

"That's hilarious." I said as my laughter died down a bit.

"I know but there isn't anything I wouldn't do for them. To some of them, we're all they have." She said parking the car in a parking lot.

"Where are we?" I asked again as I looked around.

It wasn't dark because It was lit by endless light and in the distance I could see more lights. There were other cars parked around so it was a public place.

"You'll see. Wait there." She said getting out of the car and walking around it to open my door.

"You don't have to you know." I said getting out of the car as she handed me my puffer jacket.

"I know but I wanted to." She said taking my hand in hers.

"Can you finally tell me where we are?" I asked.

"We're walk there now, you'll see in a minute or two." She said.

"Okay but I'm excited and impatient." I sighed at her side.

"Don't be impatient, the entrance is right over there." She said pointing to a really big blue sign.

"Are we at a fair?" I asked her excitedly.

"We're at a winter fun fair." She corrected me with the widest smile on her face.

"You're too smiley today." I teased her as we finally approached the entrance line of the fair.

"Would you prefer me being cold?" She raised an eyebrow.

"God no. No I wouldn't." I smiled back at her as she wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Good. Because you're the only one I'd smile this much for." She kissed my cheeks and I blushed. 

The line moved forward and we were next. "I hope I actually have fun this time." I said

"What do you mean?" Val questioned turning to look at me.

"Last time I was at a fair, I hurt my hand." I said and she took my hurt hand holding it gently.

"I'm still sorry that happened to you." She looked at me with sincere eyes.

"It's not like it's your fault. You weren't even there." I chuckled but I knew wasn't even referring to the actual accident.

She's told me many times over that she just wished I called her and she would've been there in a heartbeat and she felt bad that she wasn't there to at least do something to prevent me from getting hurt.

"I know but I still feel bad." She placed a gentle kiss to my still healing hand.

I blushed at her actions and the line moved up so it was our turn at the counter.

Val got two all round tickets for us and we received two purple wristbands with barcodes on them before we got let inside.

"Okay, what do you want to do first? I promise you'll have fun this time." She kissed my cheeks and I felt them grow warm.

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