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(P.I.X.A.L., Zane, Nya, Jay, Lloyd, Kai, Cole, Lilly, Blackmagic and Wu arrive at the harbor.)

P.I.X.A.L.: Zane, would you do the honors? (Zane presses a button and the Hydro Bounty emerges from below the water. All the ninja gasp.)

Jay: How did you two build this so fast?

P.I.X.A.L.: We had been tinkering with it in are spare time over the past several years.

Wu: It's amazing, P.I.X.A.L. and Lilly.

P.I.X.A.L.: We are proud to say it is one of the most sophisticated vessels we have designed, and is practically unsinkable.

Cole: You know what happens when you call a vessel "unsinkable", right?

(P.I.X.A.L. is visibly confused while everyone else cringes. Lloyd & Blackmagic motions for Cole to zip his mouth.)

Cole: Oh, it doesn't sink, of course. (Everyone nods in approval.)

Lloyd: This is great, P.I.X.A.L.. Just what we need.

Nya: But how sure are you that the underwater pulse you guys saw is causing my powers to freak out?

Zane: Ninety-seven percent positive.

Kai: That's pretty positive.

Nya: But what if my powers go crazy on me while we're down there? Maybe I should sit this mission out.

Jay: That's exactly why we need you to go! You're the master of Water. There's no one more connected to the sea than you!

Wu: However, you do make a point. If you'd rather stay here, with your mother?

Nya: No, no, no. Jay's right. I'll go pack! (Wu turns around and chuckles.)

Blackmagic: Can I go Lloyd please? (Begging him.)

Lloyd: Will…

Blackmagic: Please! (Begging him.)

Lloyd: It's going….

Blackmagic: Please! (Begging him.)

Lloyd: You need… (Thought) Wait, she might date Kai.

Blackmagic: Please Lloyd cherry on top! (Begging him with puppy eyes.)

Lloyd: You can come Blackmagic.

Blackmagic: Please Lloyd I wi— (Blackmagic cut Herself off.) Really I can come!

Lloyd: Yeah, we may need your help.

Blackmagic: Yah! (Team chuckles.)

(Back at the Monastery, Ray and Kai are still playing Prime Empire while Nya is speaking with Maya.)

Nya: I don't know how long we'll be gone. However long it takes to figure out what's creating this pulse and shut it down.

Maya: Sounds like it'll be dangerous.

Ray: (looks visibly dejected) So I guess I'll have no one to play Prime Empire with. Hmm.

Kai: Wait, I'm not going on the mission! Wu wants me to study the current and previous masters of Fire. That's you and me, pops. And besides, if that pulse hits again, someone has to protect Ninjago City. Cole's and Lilly's staying too.

Ray: Does Cole and Lilly play Prime Empire?

Kai: Not as well as I do will maybe Lilly!

Cole: In your dreams, Kai.

Lilly: The old FoxesGamer can still play game. (Cole hops onto the couch between Kai and Ray, and starts a game with Ray and Lilly watching them playing. Nya leaves the room, and Maya chases after her.)

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