The Attack

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(Cole, Jay, and Zane admire the Slow-Mo Time Blade they just acquired.)

Cole: Whoa, amazing.

Zane: It is unlike anything I have ever seen.

Jay: So cool.

Zane: I must urge caution, Jay. The Time Blade is a powerful weapon.

Jay: Uh, you think I don't know that? Check this. (He throws it at a stack of boxes.) Boom! Ha! Eight bullseye in a row. Beat that.

Cole: I did.

Jay: Oh, really? When?

Cole: When I got nine in a row.

Jay: Okay, yeah, if you wanna count that.

Cole: But watch this. (He throws a box in the air and used the Time Blade on it.)

Jay: Haha! You missed!

Cole: Did I? Slow-moving target. Easy peasy, lemon. (He jumps and slices the box.) And that's how you recycle an empty box.

Zane: That box was not empty.

Jay: Aah! (He picks up a ruined stuffed toy.) Mister Cuddlywomp… (sobs) is a teddy bear I used to love when I was five, but now he's totally lame and—

Cole: We know you still sleep with him.

Jay: And I don't care who knows it! Mister Cuddlywomp.

Blackmagic: I can sew at Mister Cuddlywomp for you.

Jay: What is the catch?

Blackmagic: Do you or Do you not want me sew your Mister Cuddlywomp! (Jay nodded yes.)

Cole: Hey Blackmagic, how is Lilly?

Blackmagic: (Nervous voice) She's fine. Ah, ah…

Zane: At didn't sound like it.

Blackmagic: No, she thinking is weak and stay in her room.

Cole: I will talk to her later.

Zane: Switching to playful mode. (He twirls and throws the Blade in Nya's direction.)

Nya: Hey, watch it. I'm working here.

Zane: Sorry, Nya.

Cole: What's with Nya? She's been on her computer since we got back from the desert.

Zane: Her attempt to locate her stolen Samurai X suit is consuming her.

Cole: Ugh. She's as bad as her brother. (They look at Kai while he stares at a Vermillion's helmet.)

Kai: Ah-ha! I've got a clue. (He skims through a book.) Ah, I haven't got a clue.

Cole: He's been reading those Ninjago history books all day.

Jay: Ugh, I don't get those two. We finally get a victory and they choose to celebrate by dorking out instead of doing something cool? (Gasps.) Let's run straight at each other and see if this will slow us down before we collide. (They laugh.)

(In another room, Lloyd tells Wu about his progress.)

Lloyd: I really think I'm starting to get the hang of this whole Master thing. So then I come storming in on my jet, maintaining a low altitude for tactical benefits, and I just completely overwhelm the snake-army-samurai-fighter-whatever-they-are. You know, until they leapt into our vehicles and crashed. Fast forward, the Blade ends up in the sand. And General What's-His-Face…

Misako: Lloyd, dear, perhaps it would be better to tell him your amazing story when he can—Oh! (Lloyd accidentally knocks over her tray of tea.)

Lloyd: ...slow all them down like a bunch of slugs, and whoosh! We fly out of there. Pretty amazing, right? (Wu snores.) Huh?

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