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(Kai grunts as he tries to use Airjitzu to reach a flag.)

Kai: Seriously! (He tries again, but misses.)

Ronin: (Lying down next to the flag.) Aww, just short. Like your temper, Kai.

Jay: Let me try. I'm for sure better Airjitzuer than you, Kai.

Kai: Oh, yeah? And when did that happen?

Jay: Like, now! (He misses the flag and screams as he falls.)

Kai: (Sarcastically) Oh, yeah. That was so much better than me.

Jay: was.

Ronin: That wasn't Airjitzu, that was Failitzu.

Kai: Or Stupiditzu.

Wu: To master the powers of Airjitzu, we must uplift, not put each other down, Ronin.

Ronin: (Taking a bite of an apple.) You close shop for a week, you gotta let me have some fun. Aren't Nindroids supposed to be precise?

Kai: (Sighs.) These new suits are heavy. Why can't we just use our old ones?

Wu: These are embedded with Deepstone. They will protect you from being possessed.

Jay: Yeah, well, maybe the name "Airjitzu" isn't uplifting enough. Maybe we need something more inspiring, like...Cyclondo! (He flies above the flag.)

Ronin: Miss. Again. (Jay takes his apple instead.) Hey!

Jay: (Laughs.) Cyclondo. (He takes a bite.) Mm.

(Nya spots Lilly watching Cole inside the Bounty, not training with the others.)

Nya: Go talk to him.

Lilly: I do know it does not help him.

Nya: He someone to talk him I think it sure be you. (Walk away.)

Lilly: Hey Cole. We'll find a way to fix you back and how are you feel.

Cole: I'm a Ghost. And don't tell me we can fix this 'cause we can't. This is just...who I am now. (He tries to hold a cup, but his hand passes through it.) Ugh. I don't feel anything anymore.

Lilly: Someone told me, When you are weak, we are strong. When we are weak, you are strong.

Cole: You're right I did said at. (Smile. Saw Lilly sad.) What Wrong Lilly?

Lilly: Morro is right am weak.

Cole: I refuse to let you talk about yourself like that!

Lilly: Just I'm not special, no one.

Cole: You're special to me.

Lilly: how?

Cole: will you fright, sing, dance, drawing, and built. And their more special about you. I wish you could see yourself the way I see you.

Lilly: Ugh. How do you know what to say to me?

Cole: We I'm going to keep you safe.

Lilly & Cole: We are strong together. (Both of them Smile at each other.)

Kai: Misako's about to debrief us about the next clue.

Lilly: We'll be there in a moment.

Kai: Oh is Zane is fix, right.

Lilly: Yes he is and not yelling but only if want to.(Kai nodded down the walkway.)

Cole: Thank you Lilly. (As they embrace, Cole's hand briefly becomes human.)

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