The Temple of Madness

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(Jay, Blackmagic and Nya stand in front of a conveyor belt leading to the Temple of Madness)

Nya: Every single path leads straight into a spinning blade.

Jay: Look at there! See it? There was a thing, for a second. There's another!

Blackmagic: It's like the game has a glitch!

Nya: Back on Dyer Island, we learned this was Dyer's very first adventure game, but it was never released because of problems.

Jay: Video game obstacles are usually on a time loop.

Nya: So if we get the timing down, we can make it to the other side.

Jay: But the glitches are unpredictable, and we can't get past them safely.

Nya: Then I guess we'll have to improvise.

Jay: Just like dancing.

(The Nya & Jay hold hands while Blackmagic followed behind and start to go through the conveyor belt.)

Jay: One, two, three, step! (They step through a spinning blade.) One, two, three, jump! (They leap over another blade.) One, two, three, roll! (They roll through a third blade and encounter a glitch.) Other track, now! (They leap to the other conveyor belt, but Jay loses balance and falls. Nya grabs his hand in time.) Aah!

Nya: (They encounter another glitch.) It's the other glitch!

Jay: Nya!

Nya: Time to pick up the pace! (They successfully pass through the rest of the blades and reach the other side.)

Jay: Piece of cake. Okay, get ready. Video games usually increase in difficulty as you progress.

Nya: So whatever is on the other side of this door is gonna be even worse.

(The door to the Temple opens. The three enter only to find an empty sushi restaurant.)

Hostess: (Bowing) Welcome.

Jay: The Temple of Madness has a sushi restaurant?

Nya: Where are all the guests?

Hostess: We've been expecting you.

Nya: You have?

Hostess: Of course. Jay Walker, party of three. Right this way.

Jay: Oh, perfect, 'cause I'm starving!

Nya: Jay, it's a trap!

Jay: No it isn't. Lots of games have areas like this, where you can recharge or power up, before you have to take on the boss.

Nya: Are you sure?

Blackmagic: Nya, if this was a trap, they'd have come up with something a little more dangerous than a sushi restaurant. Trust us.

Hostess: May I tell you today's specials?

Jay: Yes, you may. Boy, am I hungry!

Hostess: To start, we have some albacore tuna with garlic, crispy onions, and marinated destruction!
(Her eyes glow red and she pulls out a kitchen knife, chopping the table in half.) Hiya!

Nya: Jay! (She and Jay dodge the waitress' attacks.)

Hostess: Unagami welcomes you! (She hurls her knife at the two, which gets stuck in the door.)

Jay: Ha! Not too smart, throwing away your only weapon. (The hostess pulls out two more knives.) Hey! No fair!

Blackmagic: There's no logic to this level at all!

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