Dungeon Party!

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(In Rock-Bottom, Cole & Lilly wake up.)

Thief: Hey, you two. Wake up.

Cole & Lilly: (Both of them see Adam.) Aah!

(Cole & Lilly quickly backs away from Adam, startling the spider.)

Thief: Jeez, you too, relax! That's Adam. He wouldn't hurt a fly. Sounds like you were having a nightmare, so I thought I should wake you up.

Cole: Where am I? Who are you people?

Vania: Cole! Lilly!

Cole & Lilly: Vania! Master Wu!

Vania: Thank the mountain.

Sorcerer: Good, sir and miss ninja, allow me to make the introductions! May I present, Korgran of Metalonia!

Korgran: Korgran is pleased to meet you.

Sorcerer: Plundar the Thief! Return both of their weapons, Plundar.

Plundar: Sorry, force of habit. (He returns Cole's & Lilly's shuriken.)

Sorcerer: And I am Fungus the Sorcerer. Around these parts, we are known simply as the Lowly.

Cole: The Lowly? So you're some kind of team?

Plundar: Uh, we are a party of adventurers. (They stand proudly. Fungus launches a spark in the air.)

Cole: Adventurers?

Lilly:  That's just what we need, actually.

Cole: We're kind of on a quest and we could really use some help.

Korgran: Quest? (He fumbles with his axe, and drops it, nearly hitting Fungus.) Uh, Korgran... very busy just now. Must shine axe. (He walks off.)

Plundar: Uh, yeah, me too. Uh, I've got ... I-I've got stuff to steal. Loot to find. (He walks off as well.)

Fungus: Me as well, unfortunately. My schedule is a nightmare. (He starts walking off.)

Cole: I don't understand.

Lilly: Are you guys adventurers or not?

Fungus: Actually, the sad truth is, we wouldn't be much help. We failed at the only quest we ever attempted, which is why we're down here.

Cole: What happened?

Korgran: Korgran will tell the tale. Fungus. (Fungus makes a purple fire.) Listen and hear of Korgran, who strolled the Earth with furry boots and his talking axe.

Past Korgran: Back, lizard beast! Your tail lashes will not sway Korgran! Korgran will vanquish you this day. No cold-blooded fiend can best Korgran! Nor warm-blooded! Nothing cold or warm! I am not bested. Easy victory for Korgran!

Past Korgran's axe: Well done, Korgran, as sometimes!

Past Korgran: Hmm. No, you mean "as always", Axe?

Past Korgran's axe: Uh, yeah. Of course.

Past Korgran's father: One thousand seven hundred and eighty-six gold coins. That's a six percent quarterly growth rate in Pillaging.

Past Korgran: Father! Korgran is back!

Past Korgran's father: Ugh, son, why do you insist on speaking in third person? I know you think it makes you sound more barbaric, but all I hear is a lack of education.

Past Korgran: After much time, Korgran has proven himself! Korgran is ready to become valuable member of barbarian horde. Behold!

Past Korgran's father: (Gasps.) Ross? Ross, buddy!

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