The Ascent

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(In the Heart of the Mountain, the Upply are figuring out how to get out.)

Wu: Here are the facts. We are lost underground, separated from our friends who are being hunted by an evil necromancer and an army of reanimated skeletons. We have very few weapons and no way out, but we are not giving in to despair. Where there is a will, there is a way, and we will find it. I want suggestions. Ideas.

Cole: I've got an idea.

Lilly: Let me guess, this one's a little nuts. (Cole nod.)

Plundar: "This one"?

Wu: Let's hear it.

Cole: (He draws on the ground with a stick.) These are the tracks we found earlier, which I'm guessing lead to the surface. And let's pretend this is the mine cart. (He takes a mushroom from Fungus's hat.) We take the wheels off, then strap the axle to the mech like a pair of giant rollerskates, and use the mech to propel the other carts back up the tracks. Propelling, please? (Fungus makes the mushroom glow and spin with magic.) Then, we get in the carts, and go zipping back up the tracks, like this. (He sets the mushroom on the ground, which zips along the tracks he drew, then flies up and explodes.)

Korgran: Explosion is us?

Plundar: That idea seems a little ... what's the word I'm looking for? Oh yeah. Nuts.

Cole: I told you that at the start! Yeesh, nobody listens.

Vania: Well, I don't hear any other suggestions, so unless you guys want to give up and just go back to Rock-Bottom...

Wu: I vote in favor of Cole's plan.

Lilly: I agree his plan.

Fungus: As do I.

Korgran: Korgran also. And also Korgran's non-speaking axe.

Korgran's axe: Haha, you guys are bananas!

Korgran: Uh...

Fungus: Well, Plundar? What do your dice advise?

Plundar: (He throws his dice away.) I'm deciding this one, and you've gotten me and wife this far, so I'm with you all the way.

(The Upply get to work, and Cole, Lilly and Wu climb into the mech.)

Cole: I don't get it! There's no buttons, no dials.

Lilly:  How are you supposed to operate this thing? (The crystals glow at Both of them touch.)

Cole & Lilly: What?

Wu: What did you two do?

Cole: Nothing! W - We barely touched it!

Wu: Hmm. Is it possible that this mech is powered entirely by Elemental Energy?

Cole: (Him & Lilly touches the crystals again, and the mech powers up.) Haha!

Lilly: This is gonna be a piece of cake! (Both of them nearly crushes the others on the ground.)

Cole: Sorry, are bad.

Plundar: Uh, left. A little left!

Korgran: Careful!

Wu: Keep it together, Cole! Lilly! Concentrate!

Cole: Okay, I think we've got it now. You can do this. It's just like walking on roller skates. On really big, giant-sized roller skates. (Both of  them slips again and falls.)

Lilly: Whoops, uh, sorry about that! (Both of them gets up, but falls again, nearly crushing Adam.)

Cole: Whoops. Uh, sorry!

The Lego Ninjago SeriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora