One Step Forward, Two Steps Back FoxesGamer

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(Wu, Zane, Reese's, and P.I.X.A.L. are walking through the streets.)

Zane: If the records are correct, this is Dyer's childhood home. His parents still live here.

P.I.X.A.L.: Let us hope they will be willing to help us.

Zane: Their son is a dangerous criminal known as Unagami. It is their civic duty to provide whatever assistance they can.

Wu: Yes, but we have to handle it delicately, Zane.

Zane: As you wish.

Mrs. Dyer: Hello. Can I help you?

Wu: Hello. We're looking for your son, Milton Dyer.

Mrs. Dyer: You know my son?

Zane: Not exactly. A video game he created a long time ago is causing problems, and we need to find him.

Mrs. Dyer: Oh of course, this is about those silly little games. Here I was hoping you were his friends.

P.I.X.A.L.: So you don't where he is either?

Mrs. Dyer: He won't talk to us. But maybe something in here can give you a clue to his whereabouts. (She motions for them to enter.) We just wanted the best for him. Focus on school, prepare for a career. We had no idea video games could be a real career. (Zane and P.I.X.A.L. notice a photo of Dyer as a young boy.) And when it all went bad with that final game, we haven't seen Milton since...

Zane: Who is this with him?

Mrs. Dyer: One of his friends. What was his name? I can't remember. If you find my son, you tell him we miss him. (She picks up a toy car.) Tell him to come home.

Wu: Of course.

P.I.X.A.L.: Did he build this?

Mrs. Dyer: Yes. He was always building models to use in his games.

P.I.X.A.L.: Thank you for your time, Mrs. Dyer. (They leave.)

(In Prime Empire, the ninja are in Terra Technica.)

Jay: Guys, welcome to Terra Technica. The second Key-Tana is here, but the only way to win it is to be crowned champion in the Speedway Five-Billion.

Lloyd: What's that?

Blackmagic: Only the most dangerous race in Prime Empire. The track is lethal, the turns are deadly, and the other drivers are wild!

Admin Droid: (To a Whack Rat) Your receipt and directions to the nearest healing zone in the likely event of a fiery crash. Next!

Cole: We're here to sign up for the Speedway Five-Billion.

Kai: Uh, maybe we should start smaller. Do you have a Speedway Five-Hundred?
Admin Droid: No.

Nya: We can't win a Key-Tana that way, Kai. We need to race in the Speedway Five-Billion.
Admin Droid: Wonderful. The entry fee will be deducted from your account.

Lloyd: How much is it?

Admin Droid: Two hundred credits each. You must register as a team of five, which means you need a total of one thousand credits.

Lloyd: One thousand? Wow. Okay, let's pool our money. I've got, uh, one sixty.

Nya: I've got one ninety-eight.

Cole: One fifty-three.

Lilly: One Four-two.

Jay: A hundred and sixty.

Blackmagic: One Seventeen.

Kai: Twelve?

Jay: Twelve? How do you only have twelve?

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