Dungeon Crawl!

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(In a flashback, Lou takes a young Cole to visit Lilly.)

Past Lilly: (coughs) Hi, honey.

Past Cole: Mom! (He runs to her and hugs her.) I don't want you to be sick anymore, Mom!

Past Lilly: I know. But we don't always get what we want, do we? Your father said you and Lilly got into trouble at school.

Past Cole: Yeah. But it - it wasn't me and Lilly fault! There's this kid, he's just - he's just a big bully! He's always picking on the little kids and -

Past Lilly: And you and Lilly got in a fight.

Past Cole: I'm sorry, Mom. I promise, I-I won't fight anymore.  I tell Lilly at too. I'll be good from now on. I'll make you proud! And - and -

Past Lilly: Oh, Cole. Don't you see? I am proud. I want you and Lilly to promise me, Cole, that you and Lilly will always stand up to those who are cruel and unjust. Always.

Past Cole: I - I promise, Mom. Always.

(The flashback ends.)

Lilly: (To Cole) Are you okay Cole?

Cole: (To Lilly) Umm… yeah Lilly I'm fine.

Lilly:  (To Cole) Okay… we are stronger together. (Smile and Cole smiles back at her.)

Plundar: What are we doing? We've explored this tunnel a million times. If there was a way out of Rock-Bottom, we would have found it already.

Fungus: Come now, Plundar. It doesn't hurt to have someone take a fresh look.

Plundar: It's hurting my feet! We've been at this for hours.

Vania: Are we having a tea time chat, or are we trying to escape this dungeon? (She catches up to Cole & Lilly.) Another dead end?

Lilly: Yep.

Cole: Another dead end.

Fungus: Good sir and miss ninja, if it makes you feel any better, the four of us have been failing to escape this place for years.

Cole: Well, thank you, but that doesn't really help.

Plundar: (sighs) What are we doing following this guy? This is a waste of time. We're already a bunch of failed adventurers. We don't need a leader to help us fail more.

Vania: Cole and Lilly isn't helping us fail! They are helping us escape! For your information, Cole and Lilly is a fantastic leader!

Plundar: Oh yeah? Where's both of them leading us? In circles? Because guess where we are. That's right, back in Rock-Bottom.

(Cole throws a rock into the pool in frustration.)

Wu: Lilly, come with me.

Lilly: (Confused) Okay?

Wu: What is on your mind, Cole? You seem troubled.

Cole: Ever since I saw my mother's locket, I felt her presence and Lilly's mother. Both of them connected to this place somehow, I - I can feel it! Can you feel Lilly?

Lilly:  Hey what you said I feel like both are there.

Cole:(sighs) Listen to us, what we are talking about? Why would both of their mothers have come to this place? We're at the bottom of the world.

Wu: You're right. This is the lowest you have ever been.

Cole: Thanks for noticing.

Wu: No, I mean, your mother once told me that her powers were strongest when she was closest to the earth.

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