Dyer Island

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(The ninja are in The Mechanic's headquarters looking for Jay & Blackmagic.)

Nya: (Calls out.) Jay? Blackmagic? Where is Both of them?

Cole: Well, Both of them has to be here somewhere.

Lloyd: Unless he got too scared and left?

Nya: By themselves? Without telling us? And I know Blackmagic isn't scared. (Worry) I hope.

Zane: There's always a reasonable explanation.

Lilly: (She goes to the arcade cabinet and accidentally presses the keys.) Oops.

Game Voice: Would you like to enter Prime Empire?

Nya: Wait. Jay got the game working? (She looks around at the Arcade Pod and opens the cabinet up.) Unh.

Kai: What's the "reasonable explanation" for an arcade cabinet having a secret chamber?

Cole: (Shrugs. Then he looks up and points.) A security camera! That'll have the answers. Zane, Lilly, can you pull up the video on this computer. (Zane & Lilly goes to the computer and brings up a video. It starts by showing them entering into the secret headquarters.)

Past Lloyd: (One of the robot arms falls on him and he shouts in surprise, throwing it off of him and Blackmagic laughs.) Ahh!

Lloyd: Um, you can fast-forward that part. (Lilly and Cole look at him curiously.) In fact, we should erase this after we're done. (Zane fast-forwards it to the part where Jay & Blackmagic has the game working and a wave explodes, knocking Jay & Blackmagic down. Zane pauses it.)

Kai: Whoa! Did you see that?

Cole: Rewind that.

Zane: (He rewinds the video.) Appears to be some sort of energy wave.

Nya: Well, what does that mean?

Lloyd: Keep fast-forwarding. (Zane fast-forwards it to the part where the game opens up for Jay & Blackmagic to enter. Both of them disappears and the game blacks out just as his friends come. Zane pauses it and they all glance back at the game.)

Nya: Where did Jay and Blackmagic go?

Cole: The-They never came out.

Kai: I'm starting to think this is no ordinary game.

Nya: That thing took Jay!

Lloyd: And my sisters!

Cole: Maybe to find Jay and Blackmagic we have to play the game?

Zane: That would be exceedingly dangerous. Whatever happened to Jay and Blackmagic would likely happen to us.

Lloyd: You can't take the chance. Not until we know what we're dealing with. We need answers.

Kai: From who?

(Lloyd scratches his chin, thinking.)

(At the Police Station, they question the Mechanic.)

Kai: (Slaps a file down with Unagami's symbol on it in front of the seated Mechanic.) What is this symbol?

Nya: (Comes around the other side of his chair.) Where's Jay and Blackmagic? What did you do to them?

Cole: You better start talking, pal! Or it's going to be a long night. What's going on with that creepy arcade game? And who's Unagami? (The Mechanic's head instantly jerks up.)

The Mechanic: Where'd you hear that name? (Kai and Nya grin at each other, satisfied with their success.)

Lilly: So you do know him? (The Mechanic turns his head away.)

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