The Tooth Of Wojira

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(In the ocean, Jay and Reese's are struggling to break free of the ropes.)

Jay: Aah! Guys, Me and Reese's see something. We see something!

Nya: Can you describe it?

Zane: Can you define "something"?

Cole: Does it have teeth?

Kai: Ugh, these ropes are tough. I think I can burn through them!

Nya: Shh! They'll hear!

Mammatus: Let's hope this final sacrifice appeases Wojira, once and for all. (He turns around to find that the ninja have freed themselves.) Stop them!

Ninja: Ninja, go!

Clutch: Hurry up, Dwayne!

Dwayne: I'm trying, Mr. Powers! (He catches a Keeper spear flying his way and cuts the ropes.)

Clutch: Faster next time, intern!

(The ninja fight their way through the Keepers and reach the end of the docks.)

Lloyd: Zane, a little ice? (Zane freezes the water and they continue running out to sea.)

Jay: Somebody, help us! There's definitely something out here! Something big and snaky and glowing!

Nya: Jay!

Lilly: Reese's!

Jay: Oh, thank goodness! It's so good to see you guys!

(A fireball lands between Jay, Reese's and the ninja, separating them.)

Nya: Over there! I see something! (She attacks it with water, but it does nothing.)

Kai: What is it?

Jay: I don't know, but it's big! Get me out of here before it comes back! (Zane creates an iceberg for Lloyd to reach Jay And Reese's.) Hurry!

Lloyd: Just stay still!

Jay: Look out! (Another fireball strikes and Lloyd falls into the water.)

Lloyd: Jay? Reese's?

Jay: I'm okay. I think I can get loose, just need a few more… aah! (A giant claw reels him in.)

Lloyd: Jay!

Lilly: Reese's (Lloyd sends an energy ball at Wojira.)

Nya: No!

Jay: Aah! It's got us! Aah!

Cole: Reese's! Jay!

Kai: Say something! Where are you? It ate Jay and Reese's! It really ate them!

Lloyd: (He finds a wooden tooth.) Or… did it?

(The ninja reach the shore and are surrounded by Keepers.)

Mammatus: You fools! You risk angering Wojira? If the beast returns, you will be the next sacrifices!

Lloyd: No, we won't, because Wojira doesn't exist.

Mammatus: Blasphemy! You saw her!

Lloyd: We saw something, but tell me: do sea monsters have wooden teeth? (He slides the wooden tooth over to Mammatus.)

Mammatus: I don't understand.

Lloyd: It's a con. You've been tricked into giving sacrifices to a fake monster.

Mammatus: But that's impossible.

Lloyd: Why don't you tell us how all of this started? From the beginning.

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