Stop, Drop and Side Scroll

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(The Red Visors are searching Terra Technica for Lloyd, Nya, Blackmagic, and Jay. Lloyd signals them to move along, but stop when they look at a monitor showing Kai, Lilly and Cole crashing during the Speedway Five-Billion race and turning into cubes.)

Lloyd: Our friends wouldn't want us to give up. We have to keep going.

Jay: We'll find a way. Somehow. We're going to find them, and bring them all back.

Nya: Okay, what's next?

Jay: Terra Domina. That's where the last Key-Tana is.

(They walk in front of a red arcade cabinet with flames on its screen.)

Lloyd: It looks a little...intense. (Unagami's logo appears on the screen.) We must be getting close to the end of the game.

(Jay presses a button on the arcade cabinet, causing it to open.)

Jay: Well, c'ya on the other side.

(The ninja enter walk through the arcade cabinet and enter Terra Domina. They see a floating temple from above.)

Jay: Holy cow! Unagami's Temple of Madness.

Nya: I'd go mad too if I lived here.

Blackmagic: I get mad I have cleaned my room.

(The ninja walk through an entrance. They see many levitating platforms.)

Jay: Okay, that's freaky!

Lloyd: We should head back. Let's go about the dangers, and come back with a plan. (The platform that they are standing on glitches.) Did you guys feel that?

Jay & Blackmagic: Feel what?

Lloyd: I don't know. I thought I felt something. (The platform disappears and the ninja land on one that looks like the rest.) Whoa!

(The ninja look behind them and see the Unagami logo. The platform the ninja are on starts to disappear.)

Nya: Hey!

(They jump onto another platform.)

Lloyd: W-what's happening? (The ninja jump onto another platform.) Where's that music coming from?

Jay: Oh, man. I was afraid of this. We've entered the world of old school platform games!

(The ninja jump onto another platform.)

Nya: And those games force you to run towards chaos?

Jay: Eh, technically side-scroll toward chaos, but yeah.

(They jump onto a platform.)

Jay: There's rules to these games. One: You can't go backwards. (They jump on another platform.)

Two: Everything speeds up the further you go! (Jay, Blackmagic and Lloyd jump on another platform. Nya runs off the one she is on and nearly falls, but is caught by Jay. Jay pulls her up.) Three: All of the obstacles are pre-programmed, so if you learn the timing, you can evade the danger. (Jay points to an enemy ahead. The ninja jump over the enemy. They jump on multiple platforms.) But the most important thing to know is: If you die, we have to start over at the beginning!

Nya: Wait, what do you mean we start-OOF!(She gets hit by a giant spiked mallet, falls off the platform, and loses a life. The ninja are transported to the start of the level. Nya and Blackmagic is left with one life, while Lloyd and Jay are left with two.) Okay, I see what you mean.

Lloyd: We have to do all that over again?!

Nya: All of us?! How's that fair?

Jay: If we pay attention, we won't make the same mistakes twice. (They jump on numerous platforms. Jay slides beneath an enemy, while Nya, Blackmagic and Lloyd jump and leap over it. They reach a section with spiked mallets swinging. Jay dodges the mallets.) Oh yeah! (He does a dance.) Mhmm! Mhmm! (A red cube nearly falls on him, but he dodges it.) Haha! (Another cube falls down and hits Jay, causing him to lose a life.) AHH! (The ninja respawn at the start of the level. Nya, Blackmagic and Jay are left with one life, while Lloyd has two.)

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