Bonus 2 | Who's Aaron's Father?

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"How long do we've to wait?" I sighed in frustration.

"Relax, Johann. It's only gonna be a few minutes before I'm called in." Hanna said as she rocked Aaron in her arms.

It's yesterday that he was born and today we're at the hospital for Hanna's general check-up as the delivery had happened at home. Ryan also wished to join us, so he must be here any minute now.

I looked at the boy in his mother's arms and a smile crept up my lips. He was asleep, yet Hanna kept playing with him, she'd no idea how adorable she looked right now.

"You're so adorable..." I whispered, dipping my head in the crook of her neck and inhaled deeply.

"Johann behave, we're in public..." She gently pushed me away and I caught sight of her red cheeks.

"So it'd have been okay if we weren't in public?" I teased.

"Shut up!" She glared at me.

I laughed. I was just teasing her, I know I cannot lose control while she's still to recover after giving birth.

I took hold of Aaron so she can relax a little, but she still kept playing with him from my arms.

"Did you feed him? What if he cries when you're gone for the check-up?" I asked.

"He wouldn't if I'm to be called in right now, I'd be back by the time he starts feeling hungry again." She assured and looked at Aaron lovingly. "You know what makes him special, Johann?" She suddenly asked.

"Huh?" I'd no clue what she was talking about.

"He's the result of our first time. The one time we got intimate, we'd no clue I'd end up getting pregnant back then." She looked up at me. "We gave each other our virginity and were rewarded with this blessing."

"True, isn't it? Only once and the reward is too adorable." I kissed Aaron's forehead.

Just then she was called in and I was left alone with Aaron, waiting for my best friend and Aaron's uncle to show up. I don't know why he wanted to come, though. All I hoped was that he still wasn't blaming himself for when Hanna fell off the stairs after he'd learnt about their mother's past.

"Do you trust her that much?" A pitchy voice asked.

This voice... Why does it sound familiar?

I lifted my head up to look at the person and sure enough was met with a familiar face.


I'd have ignored her, but she was looking straight at me. So it was clear that she'd spoken to me and I want to know what she meant by that.

"More than that," I answered.

"I didn't think you'd be this much of a fool, Joe___"

"Don't call me that!" I gritted my teeth.

"I won't, but that's not the topic. You really think that woman got pregnant after her only time with you?" She laughed. "Don't be surprised in the future if you ever learn that you're not the father of the child in your arms now."

"You dare to slander my wife!?"

"I'm just stating facts, but it's entirely upto you to listen to it, or not. After all, people might think I'm saying all this because of jealousy as I was your ex."

"Ex, my foot!"

She gave a smug smile as if she'd just won a contest and turned to leave, but bumped into a firm chest.

When did he come?

"Hello, handsome." She smiled seductively. "Coffee sometime?" She began flirting as if she knew the man well.

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