34 | A Strong Rival

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"I'm all freshened up, now go and change." I ordered. Hanna sighed.

"You've just gotten home, you shou___" She began, I cut her off.

"What I should and shouldn't, I know very well and now what I should do is give my wife a massage so that she and the baby growing inside her doesn't feel tired." Hanna rolled her eyes at that, because I did this every day since she was tested positive.

"Why'd I feel tired when all I do is eat and sleep? As if you're letting me do anything since my pregnancy!" I laughed.

"Carrying the baby in itself is tiring, Han. I wouldn't be able to walk properly even for a few minutes with a handful of coins in my pocket, but you've carried a baby for 40 weeks now!" I reasoned while making her give up on the argument.

"I don't have a say in this, do I?" She asked, I shrugged and she went to change. "Eat something while I go get changed." I nodded.

She's due and can be giving birth anytime now. Of course, I was excited to have the baby in my arms!

I went to the kitchen and grabbed something to eat. In normal case scenario, Hanna would wait till I come home for dinner, but since she got pregnant, she put the health of our baby first and ate on time. But even after having the dinner, she would stay up till I come and we'd go to bed together.

After finishing a bowl of soup and a sandwich, I went back upstairs. The door to the bathroom opened and Hanna stepped out in her sportswear. Did I mention that my breath got caught in my throat?

Control yourself, Johann. I took a deep breath and went to change too.

I came out of the bathroom wearing my pyjamas and got beside Hanna on the bed, providing my services to her. I'd start from her shoulders and travel down to her back, then her legs and finally her feet.

"How're you feeling?" I asked after a few minutes.

"Relaxed," She breathed as I moved my hand from her back to her shoulders.

"Let me get your feet now." I moved to sit near her feet.

"It's bedtime. Get some sleep already," Hanna said glancing at the clock which said it was 10.30 pm now.

"Almost over," I replied and added. "I'll get to your back again for a few minutes and it's done," I said while moving behind her.

I could imagine her frowning now.

"You always did the feet lastly," She said and gasped when I tugged at her to lie on her back. "You naughty boy," She shook my head by holding my nose.

"Can I be blamed?" I laughed. "You know how much of self control it takes to treat you without giving in?" And I bent down after having lost every bit of the so called self control.

"Why're you like this?" Hanna asked when I pulled away.

What does she mean by that?

"What?" I was truly baffled. "As in?"

"This charming, this romantic, this handsome?" She wrapped her hands around my neck.

I smiled.

"Because you're like this," My right thumb went to brush her cheekbone. "This beautiful, this gorgeous, this alluring, appealing, irresistible, glamo___"

"Stop it," She placed her left index over my lips, blushing hard. But why'd I back away? I bit her finger that was over my lips and licked it, making her blush even harder! "Be careful," She cautioned when my left hand that was over her belly absent-mindedly applied pressure on it.

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