13 | Creating Memories

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"No, no, no." She shook her head grinning.

"Oh, come on! This isn't fair!" I whined, my eyes focussing the road ahead.

"I told you, it's that it. You're to guess and there's no other way you're getting to know when my birthday falls," Hanna stuck her tongue out at me.

"Oh, yeah? Then here it goes, you're not getting mine till I get yours," I imitated her.

"What!? You're not being serious, are you?"

Seriously? She really expected that?

"Very serious," I assured her. She narrowed her eyes at me.

"Fine then, I assure you I'll learn it somehow and as far as my birthday is concerned, it still stands; you're guessing it." She pouted making me want to kiss her and I did. Just a simple peck and back to driving.

I was taking her home from college as I was the one to have dropped her off this morning, as she was at my place last night and asking her when her birthday was, which I'd been doing ever since we got together. How long? For 6 whole months! And got the same answer from her. You. Are. To. Guess.

"You free today?" I asked.

"Yup, no plans for the evening. You have something in mind?" She asked.

We always decided how to spend the evening on our way back from her college. Sometimes it'd just be being a couch potato, or a night out, or visiting some family friends, speaking of which.

"Maybe we could visit uncle and aunt," I suggested.

I liked the Andrews a lot, they were very sweet. Anna and Issac were now back to their home in the other town, where they were staying till their master's are completed. The Kelseys often visited the Andrews and vice versa. It felt normal that I'd began calling Mr and Mrs. Andrews uncle and aunt unlike with Hanna's parents whom I still addressed to with their last names.

"Fine with me, but don't you have plans with Ryan?" Hanna asked.

I often helped Ryan create and edit the videos he posted online. Dos and don'ts during Workouts.

"I promised to help him with his new video, he said he'll let me know when he starts to work on it."

"Oh okay, Andrew's place it is then."

"We'll get to your place, finish the draft and post it first," I said.

The story was being posted on my page, yep, her story. We did one chapter every weekend and so far 17 chapters were up, as we weren't able to post during her exams and with the exams over, I, Han, Anna and Issac were in the 3rd semester of our master's and Ryan in the 1st.

"Oh yeah, that's still pending, we'll finish it."

She insisted that I make it clear to my followers on the prologue and after every chapter, that I'm not the author for the story. After so many arguments I gave up and did as she said.

Yeah, I was a bit worried about the number of reads it'd get, but I shouldn't have, 'cause she's a good writer, she knew how to keep her readers engaged. 10k reads in just 3 weeks is a great thing.

"It's been a month since I met your Principal. I'm supposed to give her updates on our work, this Monday will do?" I asked.

"Will do if you're okay with an afternoon meet, 'cause morning there's a meeting with the union members and the club secretaries." We entered her driveway.

"Works for me," I parked the car.

"We're home!" We called out together as soon as we entered.

"Get in, see who's here," Mr. Kelsey sounded cheerful.

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