1 | Art Gallery

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"I said come here, it's just a glass of milk!"

"Mom, give that to me. I'll have her finish it."

"Your sister drains my energy completely," Mom gave me the glass of milk and went to the kitchen.

"I don't like milk!" My seven year old sissy whined.

"I'll make you like it," I showed her a small sachet of cocoa powder, her face immediately lit up.

She gulped down the contents of the glass in an instant after I added flavour to it.

"Mom, she finished it." I yelled.

She came out of the kitchen and took the empty glass from me.

"I wonder how you d___," Cr*p! She seen the remains of the power in the glass. We're in trouble. "This is the trick, huh?"

"Run!" I grabbed my sister's hand and we were running around the couches with mother behind us.

"What's going on here?" Dad walked out of the room. He laughed when mom told him all that I did. "At least she drank the milk," He pulled us all to him and we stayed like that.

I woke up smiling to myself which as usual lasted for a couple of seconds before tears started escaping my eyes.

Why did she have to leave me?


I sobbed into my pillow till I felt light again, then went to the bathroom. After my shower, I went down and found dad setting the table for breakfast.

"Morning dad," I smiled at him.

"You're early today," He kissed my forehead.

It's been seven years since mom passed away after giving birth to a baby girl. The newborn too survived only a week. Dad didn't know that I had this dream every night since then and sobbed over it after waking up.

I didn't want to bother him, he'd to go through a lot. He loved mom so much, I could see that in his eyes even as a three year old kid. He was broken when she died which worsened when the baby, he named after mom didn't make it too.

"Yeah, bus will be picking us up 15 minutes earlier than usual today."

Today we're being taken to an art gallery as a field trip excursion and are expected to write a report sort of thing for our internal marks. It'll mark the end of our 5th grade.

"Are you sure you'll be fine on your own there, Johann?" Dad asked.

"Yes dad, don't worry."

Apparently, the gallery had mother's drawings on display. Dad knew that I miss her a lot and thought that seeing her art would make me feel bad.

I was pretty sure I can handle it, as I had her drawings filed up and flip through them before going to bed.

"Ask any of the teachers accompanying you to give me a call if you___"

"Dad, I'll be all right." I assured him. He sighed.

I ate my fill and soon the bus came in. I waved at dad which he returned with a warm smile and I was off.

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