2 | Alone

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"Please take me with you dad," I cried.

"Try to understand Johann, I can't. It's just 1 year, then I'll be back," Dad tried convincing me. "You're not gonna be alone, Emily's there, your uncle and aunt too,"

"David, it's true we're all there for him, but a father is a father. I can try to give him your love and Sarah, that of his mother, but as I said, we can only try." Uncle Steve said.

Dad was going on a business trip. I don't know why it's scheduled to take place for a year and he has decided to leave me with uncle Steve and family for the period.

Steve is my maternal uncle and dad's best friend. Mom and uncle were from another country and came here for their high schooling, dad and uncle became friends while mom had a secret crush on my dad, which uncle found about and arranged ways for his friend to fall for his sister.

Uncle was very supportive and always cared for me like he did for Emily, his daughter. His wife, Sarah was also nice to me. Having to live with them for an entire year wasn't a problem, living without dad was.

Dad sighed and got on his knees, holding me from my shoulders.

"Look Johann, you know I love you, don't you?" I nodded, still sniffling. "And you? You love me?" Again a nod. "Then isn't that enough for us to know we're with each other and care for each other?" I hugged him and sobbed more. "You're all I have left to call mine, son. I'll be just as much as you in grief being away from you, but work is work. I have to go," He patted my back gently. I pulled away and saw him in tears.

"Promise me you'll facetime me every morning, afternoon, evening and night. If not, I won't eat anything," He pulled me to his chest. I cried more.

"I promise," He let go of me. I wiped his face and kissed his cheeks. "You'll be going to school with Emily, okay?" I nodded again, not trusting my voice.

"All the best, travel safe, buddy." Uncle gave dad a side hug when he stood up.

"Thanks Steve, take care of my boy. Give Emily my love," Dad kissed me on the cheeks and forehead.

"I won't talk to you until you facetime me," I ran to my room and cried more, sitting on the bed.

How much ever I convince myself to let him go, I can't. I wasn't ready to, but deep down I knew he'd to.

The door was left open, someone entered in. I lifted my head and saw both my uncle and dad. Dad sat beside me.

"I know it's hard, Johann. We haven't been without each other even for less than a week. I won't leave you if this wasn't important. How will I concentrate on work if you send me off like this? Every time I think of you, my mind would wander off to a miserable Johann, isn't it? I want to see that smile which brings me good luck, please."

"Can't you try and come back soon?" I asked.

"I'll try, but can't assure." I sighed at that.

"Good luck dad," I smiled at him. He ruffled my hair.

"There's my boy! Come now,"

We went down, took our bags and were off to the airport. My flight with uncle was taking off an hour before dad's.

"Come back soon,"

"Aye, aye, Mr. Yeoman." Dad said making me snort. I kissed his forehead once again and went with uncle to be seated in.

The flight seemed long, uncle was trying to cheer me up. We landed around 1 pm and took a taxi to his place. There, aunt Sarah and Emily were waiting for us.

"Brother!" Emily jumped up and down.

"Hi Emma," That's how I called her.

"Johann," Aunt called, holding her arms out to embrace me. I went to her.

Holding On to Silence Until; You Came Alongजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें