29 | Conflict

7 1 0

"I'm home!" I said as I entered.

Office is really tiring and since I officially took over after the completion of my MBA, it's been a lot to handle and that only allowed me return home late at nights.

"Welcome home," Hanna greeted me with a vibrant smile and came to take my bag from me. "Go get freshened up, I'll set the table for dinner."

"You ate?" I asked, she gave me an awkward smile and that was enough for me to know the answer. "You don't have to wait till I return. It's past 11 Han, I know you're used to eating early."

"How can I eat without you when you come all the way home for dinner when you can very well order take out?" She smiled. "Just go and be back before I lose my temper due to hunger."

We laughed.

She made sure that I always find the house warm and lively. Something which I haven't experienced in a while. I was grateful for her presence in my life.

I freshened up and got to the dining table. We ate while playfully feeding each other small bites and chatting over how our day was.

"Mine was all the same, files, files and more files. Tell me about yours." I said.

"Nothing much, I just passed time by cooking and checking mails. Oh, mummy called around 5 in the evening, she's to tell Ryan about her past tomorrow."

"How will he take it?"

"He's going to be mad at me for not telling him sooner, might not even want to talk with me for a while." She sighed.

We left the conversation there and headed to bed after cleaning the table.

"Good morning!" I mumbled as I stretched my right arm to pull her close to me.

Only for my hand to land on the empty mattress.

I sat up and tried to hear if she was in the bathroom.

No. All silent.

I got out of the bed and walked out of the room. Standing on the first floor, I saw her walking out of the kitchen and towards the living room with a glass of water in her hand. I grinned.

Give me a minute.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face before heading down to the living room. She was scrolling through her mail inbox when I went to stand behind the couch.

In that split second when she placed the phone on the coffee table and was about of reach out for the glass of water, I pounced on her, pinning her to the couch.

"Whoa! Johann, get off of me!" She tried pushing me away, that only made me smirk.

"I know, you can't resist," My voice dropped low.

"That's exactly the reason for my protests!" Hanna exclaimed. How easily does this girl reads through my motives. "We're on the couch!"


"It's in the living room,"

"So?" She rolled her eyes.

"Stop repeating the same thing. Yeah, I can't resist you and if I don't, anyone at the door can hear us..."

"Us?" I raised an eyebrow, making her blush.

"Fine! Not us, but me!" I laughed.

"What if they do? We're a married couple." And we're inside our house.

"This isn't the pla___" I silenced her before she could finish the sentence.

How would one speak without moving their lips? Ha!

Holding On to Silence Until; You Came AlongWhere stories live. Discover now