4 | Friends to Brothers

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"That was one crazy ride, dude!" He tried catching his breath.

"Yeah, sick!" I was heaving too.

It's been nearly a year since I and Xander became friends. From then on every Saturday was me and him. We did all stupid things together, like trying different cuisines even if we knew we wouldn't like it, or buying anything of the clothes that wasn't even our style just to see how it'd turn out, etc, etc. Today it was an amusement park. We were just off a roller-coaster and already looking for another similar ride, crazy? Yes, we are!

"I think we should eat something first," He suggested.

"Sounds good," And so we went in search of a food stall.

"Hey, Xander!" Someone said from across us.

We stopped to focus. It was Jake from the school's football team, probably Xander's classmate.

"Oh hey, Jake."

"Here with your girlfriend?" Jake asked, I stifled a laugh.

His girlfriend rumour, as I thought was now widespread at school. Even his teammates thought it was true and like Xander wanted, the b*mbos didn't bother him.

"I can't bring an eight month pregnant woman out to a place like this dude," Xander replied. Oh man, this boy was crazy! He even calculated the time period. "This is Johann, by the way,"

"The one you were talking about?" Jake asked.


He talks about me with his teammates?

"Good to meet you Jo," Jake lent his right hand. Jo? Seriously? I took his hand, anyway and just nodded.

"Bud, we're starving, know where we can find a stall?" Xander asked Jake.

"Yup, heading there myself. Why don't we walk together?" He suggested, Xander agreed.

We'll have to tag along with him? I already hate it. And him.


He took us to a nearby stall and also found a place to sit. Xander offered to go buy the food and made me sit with the pest.

"I don't like his company, you better be back soon." I whispered to Xander. He frowned then pressed a hand to his mouth, preventing himself from laughing out loud, then left.

"So you're getting into our team next year, huh?" Jake asked.

Their team? Won't he be in the list of passed outs after this year? Unless he plans to fail in his senior year's exams.

"The school's football team. Yeah," I answered.

"You and Xander get along pretty well. He wasn't like that with us, it took him time."

"The well you get to know people, the soon you bond with them, I guess?"

"Maybe." He shrugged. "Don't you think this whole 'pregnant girlfriend' thing is getting a bit...too much now?" So his team didn't buy the lie?

"What do you mean, he has a girlfriend and she's carrying his child, clear and flat. What makes you think otherwise?" I asked.

"Oh come on, we all know for one that he doesn't have a girlfriend, but a boyfriend."

"What!?" Was my immediate response.

Xander has a boyfriend? No, no, no. He's a guy. A G. U. Y. He is, right? Even if the guy did have a boyfriend I'd know!

"Don't act too surprised now,"

"I really have no idea what you're talking about." I reasoned.

"It was a casual thing, but him suggesting your name over the ones who'd signed for the team's captain post, indicates nothing, but that you two are f*cki___" I punched him across the face, he covered his now bleeding nose with his hands.

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