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"Seriously, how can you say no to this face?" He said as he held up a samoyed puppy and Athena stared at it blankly "No" Dick scoffed "You're heartless" She remained maintaining her stance "I do not care. We are not keeping it" Dick pat the little things head "It is a him and yes we are" The girl shook her head "No we are not. A dog, let alone a puppy, is a huge responsibility, even more so, for people who lead double lives"

Dick snuggled with it and spoke softly "We'll manage" He held up the puppy to his face and questioned him "Won't we?" He then turned the puppy to face Shadow "He said...'yes we will" Dick began to reason, oddly enogh resembling a child begging for something shiny, it was amusing, to say the least "Come on, think of it as an early birthday present"

"Your birthday isn't for another six months"

"A really early birthday present"

She was silent for a long moment, but when she stared into his eyes she ultimately gave up "I am not walking it, nor am I going to look after it. I will only feed him if necessary"

"Deal" He spoke, excitement contained in his tone "What do you plan on naming him?" She questioned "Stan" She smiled slightly "But his real name..." He paused for dramatic effect "Bitewing" Shadow scoffed "You have got to be kidding me" She muttered and Dick shrugged "What? It'll be cool. Tim came up with it" She shook her head "We are not naming the dog Bitewing" He smirked "It'll be his secret identity" He let the dog down and it began to run around.

Shadow smiled with affection as she watched him stare at the dog. What good had she done to deserve a sweet man as him, she did not know but it was all the more reason for her to love him more, she gripped his neck and surprised him with a deep kiss "You are an absolute twerp" She spoke in soft breathy voice and pat his cheek "He is a Stanley" He rolled his eyes with a grin "Fine"


"DON'T YOU DARE YOU LITTLE-" The spawn ran off, splashing her with soapy water and she let out a sigh "This is ridiculous, must it be so jumpy?"

"He's a dog, they don't like baths" He gripped the puppy and placed him back inside the tub and she watched it splash its muddy paws with a grimace "You know there's salons that do this for a living or perhaps I could get one of my useless demon helpers to do their job" He shook his head and gave her a soft smile "Like you said, puppies need love and care, it's like bonding"

"Washing filth off the creature is bonding?"

"You like Wolf" He stated and she rolled her eyes "He likes me and yes, perhaps the hybrid does have some merit considering he fights crime" She pointed to the innocent, soft white puppy "This one just chews up shoes"

"You'll learn to love him"

"I highly doubt it"


SHADOW WOKE UP WITH A START, AN NECESSARILY FRIGHTENING DREAM PLAGUED HER PEACEFUL SLUMBER AND SHE WALKED TO THE KITCHEN TO GRAB A GLASS OF WATER. She walked to the main living space and sat in the arm chair near the large window, staring out at the night sky in thought. A searing pain in her head. She missed Grayson. He was working far too late and far too much.

Never in her life did she think she would ever feel the need for another person, a yearning to see them, a desire to be with them morning, noon and night. Yet here she was. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back. Suddenly, she felt a weight in her lap and saw a white fluff monster staring back at her with large innocent eyes. "Alright now just because he isn't here does not mean I will the one to pamper you relentlessly. I am not as cuddly" The puppy gently rubbed his head against her hand, forcing her to pet him "Fine. But, don't tell anyone. I have a reputation"

She gently rubbed its fur, scratching behind his ears and the puppy remained calmly seated in her lap. She could now see he wasn't being playful, he just wished to bring her comfort and a soft expression painted on her face "You are a smart one, aren't you?" The puppy rubbed its snout against her arm, almost in agreement and she smiled "Perhaps, you won't be the worst thing to have around. You're just very demanding"


RICHARD GRAYSON'S HEART WARMED AT THE SIGHT HE SAW AND HE SMILED TO HIMSELF, HE KNEW SHE'D GROW FOND OF THE PUPPY NO MATTER HOW MUCH SHE DENIED IT. Shadow had a soft heart, and she needed something to help her cope with her constant denying of her own emotions. Something to distract her momentarily from all the burdens she had to bear. A perfectly trained emotional support puppy wasn't a bad thing to have around. He placed a soft kiss on her forehead. The puppy quietly got down from her lap and he gently picked her up, walking towards their bedroom.

Author's note: Pre written chapters are far too helpful. Season three will come way too late. Excited to see shadow in a new element. But, I hope you liked the book up till this point. Please comment and vote. <3

IN THE SHADOWS ─── R.GraysonWhere stories live. Discover now