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IT HAD BEEN A FEW MONTHS NOW SINCE SHADOW HAD BEEN STUCK AROUND THE MANOR. She wasn't going to join the Team until she was approved for and she was certainly not mission ready to go with Batman and Robin. Thus, she was stuck. She wasn't all for high school, since she had already studied most of the school children curriculum and she would rather just apply early to a college for a degree.

She also tried to get along with the new Robin, for up keeping peace in the house. Though, that too was proving to be a task. This one was a stark difference from the former, original Robin. She assumed his sour attitude towards his predecessor came from such a comparison between the two, and no one was ever being called a copy.

But, Jason Todd was no enigma. No matter how much he pretended to be. He was like how any normal person would be in his circumstance. Alone, afraid and angry at the universe. He was like Bruce in many ways, the darker parts he wouldn't let surface at times were what Jason was. That was why the older man found it a regrettable decision to let him be Robin without properly assessing his mental state.

But no one was ever perfect. Certainly not a child beaten down by the universe. Shadow pitied him but understood him. She wished nothing more than to provide him solace in the best way she knew how, she never got mad at the boy. Because, she wished someone had done it for her. She was angry and no matter how she much she always remained calm, at times she would throw a knife at a target hoping to set it on fire. Jason Todd was brave enough to spit out a speech he would most certainly regret later.

He stood in the Batcave, taking his frustration out on a punching bag when she entered and raised a brow "Why have you not joined him?" She gestured to Bruce whose tracker made him visible on the screen "What's it to you?" He spat out and she shrugged, holding the punching bag for him "I was hoping for peace" He paused in his punching before continuing "Then go back to the fucking mountains"

"You are one angry fluff ball" She commented amused and he huffed, only punching harder "I'm not a fucking fluff ball"

"Language" She admonished calmly and he punched again "I swear if one more person tells me what I can and cannot do I'll—"

"You'll what?"

"I..." He began angrily but then trailed off, shaking his head "...don't want to say it" Shadow hummed "Dark thoughts, anger and rage. Seems like the work of a terrible man that carved your path" His punches remained constant

"My what?" She let the bag go and his last punch was impactful enough to cause it to bounce and ram him but he only stumbled

"Would you like to spar with me then?" She questioned and he raised a brow, thinking for a moment before smirking "I'm gonna kick your ass back to the mountains"

IN THE SHADOWS ─── R. GraysonWhere stories live. Discover now