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THE GIRL STOOD OUTSIDE THE OFFICE, OBSERVING THE THREE BOYS THROUGH THE WINDOW AS THEY WOKE UP. They were hung upside down from Spider's web. She had a plan in mind, it would take some competence on the oppositions part but if the three had managed to stay alive all night sharing a singular brain cell, then perhaps there was hope.

"We need to get out of this" Kid Flash spoke in a hushed tone, though Shadow could hear every word. Enhanced senses and all. "Aqualad is still out...I think" Robin answered back just as the Fish boy opened his eyes "What? Where am I?" He questioned, his face littered with bruises as Kid spoke up in an overly sweet yet nervous tone "You're awake? Good. But, we have some bad news." Shadow figured it took the Atlantean a minute to realise exactly what sort of situation it was they were stuck in "...and even worse news!"

Selena who had been struggling in Spider's grip for the past fifteen minutes pleaded "Please let go" Spider ignored her "So you three junior grade good guys thought you could stop us?" Hook scoffed "Yeah. What were you thinking? This is Hook and the Black Spider you got here! We're good at what we do. We're professionals" Shadow made a disagreeing face 'Mediocre. Average. At best.' Speedy boy scoffed "Yeah professional hit men for the League of Shadows. Sent to kill an innocent woman" Shadow had been right, Batman was following this trail and their awareness of the League just showed that after the Cadmus debacle, the protégés were a threat of their own. Rising steadily.

"I wouldn't go throwing around names of deadly groups like that if you know what's good for you, kid" Spider warned and Robin, the detective, asked questions of his own. Stupid move "Why are you after her? Why is Selena Gonzalez being targeted?"

"You're not in any position to ask questions" He warned "But we are, how'd you know we'd be here" After they remained silent, The larger man threateningly waved his hook in front of Aqualad's face "He asked you a question" Shadow smirked at the Atlantean's reply. He had guts. Fishy ones. But he had them "Like you we do not have to answer any questions"

"Yeah but you're going to 'cause you screwed up and got caught! Face it, you guys never had a chance against us." In her little time with knowing the Boy Wonder, Shadow had learned some things. He was smart. He was exasperating. He had that smirk, that vexatious smirk that he would only have when he knew he had some sort of advantage or at times when he was being a complete smartass. In this case, it was probably because he still had his utility belt.

"What?" He uttered complacently "We came here to stop you from hurting her, we did that" Hook rolled his eyes "Ha! Are you kidding me? You stopped us, yeah? For like five minutes. You see what's happening here right now? You lost" Robin's expression remained the same and she held up three fingers, counting backwards. Three, two, one.

"You didn't take my utility belt"

'Knew it' She scoffed 'How very predictable'

"Wait...you what now?" Hook questioned, Shadow rolled her eyes at the dimwit "You never took my utility belt away, you know the thing that let's us escape." He stated and Hook turned to look around, searching for Shadow before looking at Spider "What is he talking abou—"

IN THE SHADOWS ─── R. GraysonWhere stories live. Discover now