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IT WAS PECULIAR. How, it had rained the day of Jason Todd's funeral. Shadow thought it to be a miserable coincidence and it was. Bruce had failed to show up for the service and instead a grieving Dick Grayson had stepped into the role. He gave a beautiful speech for his brother and though she tried to find him in the manor once they'd returned, all she was met with was an empty bedroom.

The hallways were dim. After funerals, it would always be that homes felt emptier; when you realised that the people who once walked these steps and stairs were never going to return. If you lose someone who held an important role in your life, you'll feel an immeasurable amount of pain when they're gone.

Maybe it was the years of having herself forced to not cry in such 'trivial situations' so she could not shed one tear for the boy who was gone. She looked at his door and hoped he'd come out, running his mouth like a sailor but alas she was the one to open his door. She took a seat on his bed and looked at herself in the mirror in shame. Guilt, regret and shame. All seeping through. She couldn't shed one tear for the boy she claimed was family.

How pathetic had she been.

The girl couldn't describe what she was feeling in the moment, but she felt something. For Dick, for Jason. For Bruce. It was sympathy. It was pity. It was sadness. An overwhelming feeling began to form a pit inside her stomach as she looked at everything that had belonged to the boy. His books, his watch, his mask, her knife. She frowned seeing her knife on his dresser; he'd gotten on her nerves that day;

She threw the knife next to where the boy had been sitting in the manor's library "If you ever do that again, Todd, I'll stab you and throw you out the window do you-what are you doing?" She cut herself off and questioned him confused as he leaned over the seat looking out the window "Checking how high the drop is to see if it's worth it"

"You're an idiot" She scoffed and he smirked "As advertised" She shook her head and left him "I'm keeping the cool ninja stuff..."

"Stay out of my room, Todd" 

"...And the knife!"

Their banter had always been an interesting one. She would miss it. She would miss him. She felt something wet coat her lash-line and gently swiped her eyes before closing them all together and praying a silent prayer for the young hero, for the young boy who lived in a world far too miserable for him. Far too undeserving of his soul. Gone just a few weeks short of his sixteenth.

May Jason Todd rest in peace.


SHE HAD ASKED ALFRED TO REST. The poor man had already been emotionally far too drained by the loss of the young boy. They had all been drained. He insisted on speaking with Bruce but in the end decided it was better to leave the man alone to his brooding. She made some tea and went down to the cave.

IN THE SHADOWS ─── R. GraysonWhere stories live. Discover now