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MARCH 30, 21:57 PDT

PERHAPS YOU'D LIKE TO HEAR AN INTERESTING FACT. ELEPHANTS, IT TURNS OUT, ARE SURPRISINGLY STEALTHY. AS THE SUNLIGHT FADES, OTHER SPECIES DECLARE THEIR PRESENCE. Throngs of zebras and wildebeests thunder by in the distance, trailing dust clouds. Cape buffalo snort and raise their horns and position themselves in front of their young. Giraffes stare over treetops, their huge brown eyes blinking, then lope away in seeming slow motion. But no elephants.

Shadow carefully trailed behind a manta solider, felt her feet were bare and these bare feet whispered across the floor as she approached him with the sort of stealth that only small children and trained killers possessed—maybe because she was one. She gripped his neck and easily subdued him as another one came behind her and she did the same to him. Superboy came in and they dragged the bodies to the side, acquiring their uniforms and walking out of the ship, leaving the two men in a warehouse near the docks.

At a loading dock, Tigress and a squad of Manta Troopers were preparing to put a group of teenagers, held in a wire mesh pen, into containment pods as the two joined them. Bring out the pods. Now!

"Get those pods open. We're on a schedule and Kaldur'ahm does not tolerate delay." Tigress ordered "One per pod. Move."

"Hey! Stop it!" Several people from the mesh pen protested. The troopers pushed them in "Into your pod." Shadow gently pushed Barbara inside one of the pods and began to push them along in the lines, waiting for their next course of action.


THEY WERE NEAR THE EXIT, THE MANTA TROOPERS STOOD AND TIGRESS WAS ORDERING THEM TO HOLD THEIR POSITIONS. Shadow and Superboy nodded at eachother, and she pulled back one the men and three him to the ground while Superboy kicked Tigress into the ceiling, pushing her back and rendering her unconscious. Alarms began to blare around them as their plan fell to action.

They took off their masks. "Docking bay, secured." Superboy informed through the telepathic link "Nice timing, pretty people" Bumblebee complimented as she showed up from the other side with the abductees.

"Docking now." Nightwing informed as Wonder girl guided the abductees "All right, people, let's move!"

Shadow felt her head lighten for a moment as Superboy tried contact "The link's down. I'm going in." Superboy informed. The sound of a punch landing and the Kryptoninan flying back with a grunt made them turn to the perpetrator in alert. It was almost like BlueBeetle but his armour was black "Apologies, meat." He smirked and placed his hands on the wall, his armour sensing his commands, the armored alien had sealed the bay, locking himself in with them "But no one goes anywhere."

"Listen, uh, Black Beetle." Wondergirl began "You're totally outnumbered. Open those doors now and we'll go easy on you."

"You will go easy on me?" He taunted with a maniacal laugh

IN THE SHADOWS ─── R. GraysonWhere stories live. Discover now