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"This is Cat Grant reporting from Taipei where the historic peace summit between South Rhelasia and North Rhelasia has completely broken down." Leaders of the two nations arrived and footage was being displayed "As a last resort, Prime Minister Tseng of South Rhelasia and North Rhelasia's General Singh Manh Li have agreed to bring in an independent arbitrator."

Cat then posed a question that had been on everyone's minds "But who is it? Speculation has run from the secretary general of the United Nations to Superman. But the Man of Steel seems unlikely..." Shadow scoffed 'highly unlikely' This was politics and the League was by no means the type to power up with political play "...as I'm told the arbitrator is due to arrive by car, not cape, at any moment."

Shadow spotted Cheshire and then saw Red Arrow ready to intervene, as the arbitrator arrived by car. Cheshire aimed an RPG at the car the moment it stopped, but Red Arrow managed to shoot an arrow at her, sending the rocket skyward. With no other options, Cheshire stormed at the car, knocking out all security personnel she came across. Shadow thought her skill to be extremely low for an assassination attempt, then again, dramatic were always required on a stage

She did not reach the car, however, because Red Arrow shot a net arrow at her, and jumped after it. After a short scuffle and both were arrested by police. "We have just witnessed an assassination attempt live. Thankfully, no one seems to have been hurt, including our mystery arbitrator." The said mystery arbitrator stepped out of the car unharmed and much to everyone's surprise, it was "Lex Luthor?"

"Are you here, child?" Shadow turned away from the screen and bowed at the man who had entered the room "Master"

"Are you prepared?" She nodded and Ra's placed a hand on her shoulder "Then we must hurry, come. Our two hires await"

The two had stepped outside the League of Shadow headquarters to see Cheshire and Sports master awaiting them, both glaring at the other "Because I'm a professional, I won't kill you..." Cheshire threatened "...at least not while we're on the job." The man glared at her "You wouldn't have this job if not for me. Grow up already."

Ra's stepped in between and stopped them immediately "The evening's agenda was to create strife between nations..." His eyes narrowed "...not my assassins."

"Master." Cheshire kneeled "And client. So twice disappointed in your failure." Shadow stood by his side as he expressed his disappointment "Luthor has been a thorn in my side for too long and peaceful countries rarely call upon the League of Shadows."

"So I expect a better outcome..." Shadow spotted Red Arrow and so did Ra's who turned to look at the spy directly as he could not evade their keen senses. "...and less interference from that boy." Exposed, Red Arrow attacked and Ra's al Ghul was shielded by Shadow who threw two Kunai, one that managed to break the string of his bow and the other grazing his shoulder before he could even shoot. Ra's gave an impressed nod and they both retreated in the darkness, leaving his assassins to take care of the interloper.

IN THE SHADOWS ─── R. GraysonWhere stories live. Discover now