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▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃─────⋅☾GOTHAM CITYFEBRUARY 25 04:48 EST

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SHADOW WAS RUNNING. MAYBE A JOG WOULD HELP HER VENT OUT ALL HER FRUSTRATIONS AT THE MOMENT. She hadn't slept. How could she. It was all so...odd. The thought of family, origins, love, friendships—it was all biblical nonsense. Fairytale garbage she was fond of reading. It was turning into a reality she had not deserved.

Growing on the island it had been hard for her to see any sort of warmth. Secrets lingered in every corner and you never knew when you'd fall to your death. Her father had been a tyrant. Her sister had tried to kill her. Her mother, as much as it pained her to admit was psychologically unwell. Her uncle had died in confinement and now came a new, more recent addition to her dysfunctional family, a grandfather who had claimed to search for her.

Family. The word left a bitter taste in her mouth. Her blood was sinned, cursed. It was a shameful fleet on her part. How disgusted she had been with her own self was beyond her own ideas of self loathing. She scoffed at the thought of it all. Blood doesn't make you family. Some of the most demonic and demeaning people in your life share your same genetic code. That wasn't a rarity. Family is supposed to be our safe haven. Very often, it's the place we find the deepest heartache and for her it had been just that.

Adults who were hurt as children inevitably exhibit a peculiar strength, a profound inner wisdom, and a remarkable creativity and insight. Deep within them—just beneath the wound—lies a profound spiritual vitality, a quiet knowing, a way of perceiving what is beautiful, right, and true. Since their early experiences were so dark and painful, they spent much of their lives in search of the gentleness, love, and peace they have only imagined in the privacy of their own hearts.

No one could give her peace.
No one could free her from her own mind.
No one truly save her from slowly drowning deep into the abyss.


"I DID NOT EXPECT YOU TO BE AT THE HOUSE AT SUCH AN EARLY HOUR, MY DEAR" She watched the wisps of smoke gently emerge from the cup as Alfred poured them tea "I hope my presence isn't cause for disturbance" Alfred shook his head, taking a seat "Utter nonsense, I love your company. It's the others in this house that are a nuisance" Her lip quirked up slightly "Though, it does trouble me to sense your distress"

"What makes you think I'm distressed"

"I was not born with a head of white hair, Miss" She made the first move on the board and Alfred made his.

The back and forth between rooks and pawns made for a good time, the minutes passing with each tick. She suppressed the urge to throw that clock off a cliff and opted for a different question "Have you ever thought of living a different life?"

Alfred stopped midway in his move though he did not look at her. After a minute, it seemed he had found an answer "One always wishes for difference in life. I have learned to be satisfied with the one I have now yes, but if you had asked sometime ago, I would've told you I'm not quite fond of it all"

IN THE SHADOWS ─── R. GraysonWhere stories live. Discover now