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THE BATCAVE. It wasn't Shadow's first time in the basement of the Detective's home, a deep hollowed out space below his home and housed his base of operations as Batman. She stepped out of the umbrage of darkness and looked around the place. It had bats sleeping in the crevices and a large computer screen covered up almost an entire wall. Shelves of files and paperworks. There were several levels below, a level for his car and if you looked further, you could see many of his gadgets and vehicles.

The elevator let out a smooth hum and lit up, indicating someone had arrived and Shadow paused for a moment, putting the file she had been looking through down on a console and turned. A young boy with hazel green eyes and dark raven hair, similar to Bruce's stared back at her, his brows furrowed in both confusion and slight discomfort. He could not have been older than fourteen.

"Who the fu-" The young boy began but Shadow cut him off "Language." He paused for a second, his brows furrowed in confusion "I'm sorry" He said, sounding completely unapologetic "Who the fuck are you?" Shadow remained silent as she observed the cave before speaking up  "Someone you should be very careful around when speaking"

He breathed in deeply and puffed out his chest "Yeah? Well I don't give a-" He was cut off once more "My. My. You swear like a little sailor" Shadow taunted, her voice as emotionless as her face

"I would be but, you keep cutting me off" She looked at him, assessing him "For the better, how do you suppose you'll instil good values within the youth when you speak in such a brazen manner?" He scoffed "I don't know what half that stuff means"

Shadow inwardly sighed "Of course you don't" She looked him up and down before her eyes caught the costume display "Batman seems to have downgraded his little helpers-tell me little bird, are you sure you're cut out for the job?" She taunted, already enjoying the way he was irritated by her presence. The way he grew pissy like a two year old was far too amusing a sight and as he began to gain a fighting stance, she knew this was going to be interesting "I'll show you" He threatened

It was fifteen minutes later, Jason Todd, the new Robin was hanging from the dinosaur display of the Bat Cave and Shadow was staring up at him with a raised brow "You showed me" She mocked his previous words. His mood soured and he began to fidget but stopped as the elevator to the cave came up and he stared laughing maniacally "Ha! Oh you're so going down, he's totally gonna kick your ass, lady"

"In the same manner as you?" She asked and he immediately deflated as the doors opened to reveal Batman who momentarily paused at the scene before looking straight at her "Shadow" He nodded and she pulled off her hood before speaking "Bruce"

IN THE SHADOWS ─── R. GraysonWhere stories live. Discover now