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COLLEGE APPLICATIONS AND BROCHURES STARED BACK AT HER AS SHE CAREFULLY EYED EACH OF THEM. It had been a long time coming, regular high school wasn't for her, she had graduated when she was ten, she didn't need to attend some sweaty institution full of adolescents who were trying to figure themselves.

"Hey" Dick knocked gently on her open door as he entered, taking away her attention from the papers in front of her "Still making a decision huh?"

"I have narrowed it down but, there is still some confusion at the moment" Dick picked up one of them and showed it to her "I'm more of an MIT guy myself but... Wally's apparently thinking Stanford, maybe you could join them?"

"No. Stanford does not interest me" Jason entered her room and laid down on the bed "What have I said about entering my room, Todd?"

"You let him inside without question" He pointed to Dick who rolled his eyes "His presence is well received, unlike yours" 

He mumbled her words mockingly under her breath as he picked up a brochure "Why are you even going to college?" He questioned "College is a good way to develop your skills or if you wish to further your education"

Jason nodded, dryly commenting "Sure it is. College is the best time of your life. When else are your parents going to spend several thousand dollars a year just for you to go to a strange town and get drunk every night?"

"That's only applicable to people like you, Jason" Jason pointed towards him "True" He then looked at the ceiling "But who wants to go to college willingly? It's where dreams die" He stated, hoping the older ones would end his curiosity

"It isn't for everyone. It's not an obligation to go either" The big brother advice "You can be something without the degree—what do you wanna be anyway?"

"I don't know, I'm pretty badass as Robin but uh...writing is interesting and i know that to be a writer you have to write—and no academic degree is going to do the writing for you."

"Did something remotely profound just leave your mouth, Jay?" Dick teased and Jason narrowed his eyes "Shut up, Dickwad"

"Gentlemen. I believe I have decided" She stated as she held up the brochure of the place she wished to attend and both of them gave her huge grins, congratulating her


"MUST YOU MAKE ME DO THIS?" SHADOW QUESTIONED AS SHE HELD UP A BOX FOR ARTEMIS WHO STOOD ON A LADDER "Even I don't wanna do this, but she's making me do this...and since you're here, you're helping"

IN THE SHADOWS ─── R. GraysonWhere stories live. Discover now