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MARCH 23, 20:32 EDT

"CALL ME BACK WHEN YOU GET THIS MESSAGE OR THROW THE DAMN PHONE AWAY BECAUSE IT IS A WASTE OF SPACE IN YOUR POCKET WHEN IT'S PURPOSE ISN'T BEING FULFILLED" Shadow uttered into the phone after calling a certain speedster five times. He had called her to DC to help him with his historical monument paper and she was the one with access to old city records.

She stood on the terrace of some fancy waiting lounge when all of a sudden commotion rang out through the building as bullets were fired and people ran out screaming. When she turned she was met with the sight of Death stroke who tilted his head at her "So we meet again, my lovely"

Behind her, a mysterious masked woman appeared, donning a familiar costume. Above stood a flier with Aqualad staring down at her, a gun pointed at her head "How unfair" She stated, staring at him "The world wasn't created equal."
"Yes, it was." She stated, pulling out a kunai from her belt and launching it towards Aqualad's gun, embedding into the mouth and blowing it to pieces, causing him to throw it back "Then someone decided they were better."

Deathstroke charged forward and she avoided his hits, in a trench coat and high heels, she fought quite well, far more comfortably too. Though he did manage a few bruises, she was still better. She spun back and pulled a sword from his back holster, then leaned back, entering the inside lounge and threw a table his way, he ducked out of the way and reached for her, pulling her forward, his spiked gloves digging into her shoulders. She kicked him off and used Shadow tendril to keep him in place only to have the mystery woman engage with her in a sword fight, along with Aqualad showing up.

If her theory was correct, she needed to prolong the fight, just without any interference from the two men. She immediately swiped the woman's legs, made her fall down, and without looking launched a few throwing stars in Kaldur's way, he smugly avoided them, only to be met with a smoke screen of inky darkness and before he knew, Shadow stood behind him, pushing him off the ledge of the building.

The woman somehow found her way through and began to attack her as Death stroke observed, while trying to free himself. She kept up with her but Shadow easily bested her, pushing her over and pining her against the counter. Her gaze fell to the glamour charm around her neck and she smirked. She loosened her grip and the woman pushed her all the way towards the ledge, holding the sword to her abdomen

"Drop the sword" She shrugged "Drop the attitude first, sweetheart" She narrowed her eyes and gripped her harder as Shadow held the sword to her neck in retaliation. She leaned in to whisper in her ear "Instincts are a blessing. Glad to see you aren't dead, old friend" The woman's eyes widened as Shadow let her push her blade in and forced her to break it off, using the one in her hand to land a careful cut on her shoulder before dropping it. She used her final concentration on sending Deathstroke a few floors below and the woman immediately followed behind him but not before giving Shadow a long stare and pushing her off the ledge completely and the woman let her, hanging onto it with a slightly wobbly hand.

IN THE SHADOWS ─── R. GraysonWhere stories live. Discover now