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GOTHAM CITY. Hub of criminal activities, dangerous, dark and full of mystery. The city where the elites enjoyed peace, stability and protection. While those less fortunate suffered at the hands of petty criminals and thugs, most forced into the life of crime to make ends meet. Others simply deranged enough to destroy humanity.

Then again that had been the same story for many other countries and cities and towns. The rich living, the poor surviving and some men stuck in the middle.

However, one couldn't deny that despite all the terrible tales that were spun in the streets of Gotham, the city itself was quite beautiful. She wondered how it'll look at night. She'd have to wait but she supposed it would be worth the patience.

Shadow was perched on top of one of the many large buildings in the city near some old gargoyle figurine and watched with particular interest as people went about their day. A mundane life. Oh how she envied them. Teenagers from elite families walking into the museum across the street. Women with large diamonds and tiny dogs being carried around in their purses and business men checking their watches while talking on the phone.

On the opposite side of the building you could observe a whole other community, a different side to Gotham. High school children playing catch with old leather footballs or running after the bus hoping to reach their destinations in time, women with strollers walking around the park while carrying their paperwork and men smoking on the benches or reading the news, the Gotham Gazette. Presumably news about the same men whom she observed speaking on the phone.

On the side of the building was an alley that separated the two worlds and Shadow heard a woman scream, turning her head, she saw a man snatching away her purse and proceeded to threaten her into giving up her pearls. Shadow watched blankly before pulling out a kunai and hitting the man in his leg, the woman took her purse and ran away as the man groaned in pain, yelling out profanities.

Prior to her arrival in the city, she had looked it up and had seen that the city had a rich crime life, which had made her wonder just how incompetent the justice system and the authorities truly were. The GCPD and government could launch every single scheme and complain of the super heroes and vigilantes but they couldn't deny that it wasn't until they showed up, that the statistics of crime went down.

Shadow rolled her eyes before coming down and pulling the weapon out of his leg and, leaving him there to bleed. He wouldn't die considering the officer on the right was coming to arrest him. But she was too quick to be seen. The man simply clutched his leg and fell to the floor as Shadow made her way through the crowds into a clothing store.

If she was going to experience an ordinary day, she must dress like ordinary people. She wasn't aware of what today's youth wore but she'd manage. The shop was relatively small and the discount sign outside was to help make business she supposed. A tall woman with dark skin and loose curls sat behind the counter and looked at her in surprise "May I-How can I help you?"

IN THE SHADOWS ─── R.GraysonWhere stories live. Discover now