The second one led to a garden. A captivating garden straight out of a fairytale. Butterflies flit gracefully among vibrant blooms, their delicate wings carrying whispers of magic through the air. A majestic fountain stood tall, its waters shimmering in the sunlight, casting rainbow reflections that dances across the stone pathways. Lush roses bloomed in a symphony of colors, their fragrance enchanting as ever. Stone pillars rose like ancient sentinels, draped in ivy and moss, adding a touch of timeless elegance to the scene. Iron bench chairs invited weary travelers to rest and revel in the beauty of the enchanting oasis, where nature and fantasy intertwined in perfect harmony.

Her mind, was perhaps the most organised thing in the world. "You know, I don't like it when people enter my head" He turned around to see Athena Vasilios Pearson looking as radiant as ever. She led him to an iron bench and they sat down "I hope you'll excuse the intrusion, we're on a time crunch" He shrugged "Luckily, you're a trained assassin, which means you'll have him in dead in a matter of moments"

"Killing someone isn't as easy as you make it out to be" Constantine scoffed "Of course, it's not fucking easy. It's not like bloody eggs in the morning. Can't make an omelette without killing a few people."

She stood up and motioned for him to follow and led him to the room of broken mirrors "Do you know how many people I've killed in my years of existence? Everyday, more than one kill. I don't even remember half of them. It's like a momentary blindness, followed by strange satisfaction, then relief, then guilt until you're completely hollowed out."

She looked at the mirrors "It's everyday, hopes, dreams, expectations and hearts shatter. We're all suffering from something damaging beyond control" She turned her gaze to the wall opposite the mirrors and Constantine's brows furrowed at the names on the wall "Who are these people?" She gave him a blank look and his eyes widened in realisation "Oh but-"

"-Why?" She gently cut him off and stepped forward to trace the first name. The first kill "I've never cared for whom I kill but, there's the briefest of moments before we kill, where we literally hold their life in our hands, they beg and scream and cry and then we rip it away, and we're left with nothing. We return to the same place as we were, haunted. So writing their names on a wall, it is a reminder that in the end we're left infinitely and utterly alone. Even the people we've loved and lost"

She looked down "I am in constant pain. Everyday. My hope keeps breaking and I feel numb. Even with everything, it all simply feels pointless"

"You can't let him live. Code and conduct does not apply to a man like him. You cannot put him in Arkham and expect him to sit quietly"

She looked away from him and sighed "I am in all mind to kill him, I am sane enough to know what is logical and not. I know why you want him dead. I know I do. I just don't know if I'll be able to live with myself after it" With that, Constantine was pulled out of her head and opened his eyes to see her sitting up in the bed "You were in my head"

"You didn't leave me much of a choice"

"There's always a choice" She stared at him with steel eyes "Tell a single soul about what you saw and demons will be the least of your worries"

"Is this the thanks I get for saving you?"

"I'm not one for gratitude, nor being saved" With that she stood up and went towards the bathroom and Constantine simply stared. His gaze then shifted to window as he saw the sun setting and let out a breath. Tonight would be much more harder on her.


JANUARY 24 22:45 EST

IN THE SHADOWS ─── R.Graysonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن