Jungkook just blinked and stopped what he was doing as Taehyung throws question after question at him. He looks in the direction of his phone.

"Hey, Hey calm down first" he said throwing away the towel somewhere in the room and picked his phone up to help it upto his ear, "One question at a time" he added when Taehyung was about to start again with his train of questions.

"How are you feeling now?"

"Hmm much better that before tho"

"Should I come?"

"No darling, I'll probably just sleep a little. It's just a mild headache, nothing serious for which you have to leave your work"

"But you are more important to me than this work"

Jungkook's heart filled up with warmth at the reply of his beloved.
"I know baby but it's your internship year, you should not do anything reckless as it can affect your results"

"Whatever, still I'll choose you over anything"

He just chuckled at the stubborn answer of his adorable boyfriend, now he just want to cuddle Taehyung but controlled himself saying it out loud knowing his boyfriend will leave everything just to come and cuddle him "Fine fine my tiger, but for now you don't need to leave anything, im feeling much better"

"Ok i believe you. Have you eaten yet?"

"Yeah I had a lunch with Mr. Wang and what about you?"

"Good, oh I had it with others as well, also do call me immediately if you feel even a little bit of your headache increasing or anything"

"Yes I will"





There was a silence for sometime both of them had a small smile playing on their lips, enjoying the silence between them. Soon the silence was broke by Taehyung.


Jungkook closed his eyes when he heard Taehyung calling him hyung, no doubt many other people calls him hyung but the way Taehyung calls him hyung it just doesn't something to Jungkook. It spread a warmth feeling in his whole being, a good warmth not the one he's currently feeling and hiding from Taehyung in order to not distract the boy from his job.


"Take care and ....I love you"

Again he just smiled fondly, chuckling a bit he nods eventhough Taehyung could not see him "I will, you too take care darling and ...I love you too"

The line again went silent as if it was all needed for them to say and hear to understand everything other was feeling. Those simple three words always gave them butterflies, a cozy feeling as if it's like the first time they are hearing or saying them, over and over again.

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