Epilogue 👩🏻‍🍼

65 7 11

10 years later

Yeseo POV
Rushing around panicking I was swiftly pulled into a pair of muscluar arms.

"Woah, calm down love" chuckling the male grinned down at me "whats the rush? We still got hours."

Sighing I nodded "I know I know I'm just stressed, it's probably just the pregnancy."

Moving his hand to my baby bump my husband smiled angelicly "I get it, but you should relax, me and Jungwon got this."

Nodding hesitantly I allowed him to seat me on the sofa "Leo! Rora! Come and look after eomma."

Watching as the 8 year old and 5 year old stumbled in with my brother following behind a smile graced my lips.

Jay huffed running his hand through his hair "why the hell are they soo active jesus."

Flopping onto the couch I chuckled at my brother "eomma! Eomma! Oppa keeps teasing me~"

Smiling at the five year old I watched as her father picked her up "Leo have you been mean to you sister?"

Glaring motherly at my son the boys face flushed "sorry~" smiling I pulled the boy onto the sofa.

"What do you say Rora?" pouting the girl snuggled into her fathers chest "I accpet your apology oppa~"

Sunoo pecked her head "good girl" and just then an exhausted Jungwon stepped in.

"Park Jongseong take your daughter, she won't stop eating the cake icing" whining he shoved their 7 year old daughter on the sofa.

Jungwon then moved his gaze to my husband with his hands on his hips "and what do you think your doing Sunoo hyung?!"

Giggling with my son we watched as my husbands face flushed "oh uh Yeseo called for me, you know baby and all welp better be off."

Placing our daughter on the sofa the fox like boy sped out "now who wants to watch harry potter?"

All three kids shooting up in ecstacy I chuckled playing the show.

Everyone was currently in the garden waiting for the gender reveal to begin.

A gentle knock on the door I turned to see a smiley boy "hey gorgeous, everyones waiting."

Smiling softly I wrapped my arms around his neck "I love you sunny~"

Raising a brow the male smiled amused "soo suddenly?" I hummed resting my face in his chest.

Laying soft kisses on my neck the boy mumbled against my skin "well I love you too my pretty pretty girl."

While we stood in the middle of our room hugging the door suddenly whipped open.

"Ewww~ gross, would you horny kids come join the party? My wife is getting kidnapped by your kids."

Chuckling at my best friend I flipped him off "yea yea we're coming hoon" giggling cheekily he ran out.

Taking my hand my husband pecked the back of it "let's go my love."

After greeting the guests everyone crowded around the gender revealing pinata.

Rora in her fathers arm Sunghoon gave the bat to my son to have the first swing "have at it kiddo."

After my three family members took a swing it was my turn "oh careful shorty."

Glaring at the ice boy I took a swing keeping eye contact as the pinata fell soo did his face "it'll be you next."

Moving my gave to the sweets that just fell out "i-it's a girl!"

Looking over to my husband he wrapped his spare arm around my waist "yes it is love, our little princess."

"Awh I wanted a brother~" Leo pouted while Rora and her cousin grabbed the sweets.

"Well now you have another baby sister, you gonna look after her and be a great big brother right?"

Nodding slowly I chuckled ruffling the boys hair "now go get some cavities" running over to join his sister and cousin I smiled.

While talking around and getting presents I got tired going off to get a drink "congrats twix~"

Whipping my head round I engulfed my childhood bestie in a hug "a little baby girl hm? Bet she'll be as tiny as you?"

Grinning teasingly I slapped his chest "as long as she ain't a giraffe ass like certain people."

Chuckling the boy was soon pulled down to the ground "uncle Riki!!"

A wide smile spread on his lips he hugged my children "hey! I got you some presents!"

Pulling out some toys the two kids of mine giggled happily as they were entertained by my best friend.

Watching with a warm smile I felt a strong arm tug at my waist "happy?"

Nodding I rested my head on my husbands shoulder "it's perfect."


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