Hes back 😳

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Yeseo POV
BANG! Flinching at the gunshot my professional mode switched on pulling my boyfriend into a stall for safety.

"Yese-" putting my finger he shut up as I pressed on my ear in "Sunghoon! Jisoo! What the fuk is going on?!"

I could hear commotion on the other side "Yeseo get the fuk out of there!! He's back!!!! Ri-" the line cut off.

Throwing the ear in "fuk!!" Running my fingers through my hair I let my brain run through stratagies to safety.

"Okay Sunoo" turning to my terrified boyfriend I grabbed his hands "baby I need you to do exactly as I say, understand?!"

Teeth clattering in fear he nodded "it's gonna be okay sunny, I'm gonna get you out of this mess" I have to. I promised to protect him.

Nodding rapidly I pecked his cheek before pulling out the gun from my thigh strap "holy fu-" "use this if anyone tries harming you."

Pulling out my own knife from my bra I closed my eyes briefly taking in a deep breath.

Pulling my hair back into a ponytail I threw my jacket and ripped my dress to give me easier access to kick a bitch.

Walking to exit I heard a whimper from behind "fuk it!" whipping around I grabbed the man I love into a kiss.

Swallowing his tears I caressed his soft cheeks, placing one last peck I flashed a soft smile "be safe sunny" he nodded returning the smile.

"Good luck babe" he did a fighting pose melting my heart before rushing out.

Carefully checking my surroundings I stealthily made my way to the main hall.

Stuck to the wall I peaked round to find majority people dead or huddled in a corner being watched over by some dude with a huge ass gun.

Looking down at my tiny knife I cursed myself for not being better prepared.

Peaking round I watched some male in a suit walk to the big gun dude "get rid of the hostages as soon as we leave."

The big gun man nodded "all of em dead?" the suit guy jumped back "no!!! What is wrong with you?! I meant let them go geez."

Furrowing my brows at the familiar voice yet I couldn't pin point it.

Gasping I saw two guards walking my way "shit!" whispering to myself I hid in a corner.

Holding my breath as the walked past, sweat forming on my brows my body shook frightened.

"Dude it's gonna take forever to find this chick in this huge place" the buff guy complained to his accomplise.

Suddenly the other guy turned to face his friend when he locked eyes with me "maybe not" shit me.

Whipping out my pocket knife I stabbed the guy who noticed me in the shoulder "fuk!"

Falling to the ground it allowed me to attack the other "oh crap!"

Jumping I wrapped my legs around his head pulling him to the floor knocking him unconsious.

"Too easy" grinning to myself I flipped my hair back "skillful as ever my twix" no.fukin.way.  

Turning to lock eyes with the filthy smirk plastered to his face I was soon hit in the back of the head knocking me out. After all these years.....He's back.


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