Doctor 👨‍⚕️

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Yeseo POV
I opened my eyes feeling a bit light headed, I sat up placing my hand on my head "oh your awake" the same doctor from earlier walked in smiling.

I bowed my head "w-what happened?" He smiled softly sitting down in the edge of the bed "you passed out but I got to do the surgery in time soo your all stitched up" my hand moved to the side of my stomach as I winced.

He held my hand "don't apply too much pressure, it's gonna hurt for a while" I nodded looking into his eyes getting lost in those beautiful globes "OMFG YOUR AWAKE" my eyes widened as my brother barged in my bsf following behind.

The two hugged me "woah be careful with her, her stitched are still fresh" the two bowed to the mysterious guy "oh sorry" he smiled sweetly shaking his head at Sunghoon "I'll just be outside call me when your done" he smiled at me before leaving us.

I slapped Sunghoon arm "did you catch him?" He rolled his eyes nodding "yeah yeah both the idiots" I sat back relieved "good, it took us fukin forever to find that bitch" he chuckled holding my hand "you okay?"

I hmed "yeah I'm fine just a bit tired" my gaze then move to my brother who was staring at me lovingly making me slap his arm "yah Jay stop being weird" he pouted "why?! I was worried for my baby sister" I rolled my eyes "your always fukin worried."

He sighed "yeah I am so what?" I chuckled "thanks JayJay" he beamed ruffling my hair "you make me worry soo much my hairs fukin falling out" I giggled but then realised something "wheres won-" and like on cue the little cat ran in.

"MY BABY" he hugged me as the doctor walked in chuckling "I was soo worried Yeseo~" I giggled as we pulled away looking at his tear stained cheeks "awh wonnie you cried?" He pouted wiping his cheeks.

"Of course I did, I was scared shitless" I chuckled as my brother wiped his tears pecking his lips oh yeah Jungwon is my brothers husband "thank you soo much hyung for looking after her" he hugged my doctor as the other chuckled.

"Hyung?" Jungwon nodded at me "yeah Sunoo's my bestie" my eyes widened taken aback "oh" Jungwon chuckled "you like him don't you" okay now my eyes were as big as the fukin ocean.

"YANG JUNGWON YOU LITTLE-" I tried getting up to attack my soon to be brother-in-law but was pushed down by Sunghoon "let's not get feisty" I rolled my eyes sitting back.

"I need to get back to work, I've been gone for long enough" I again tried to get back but Sunghoon pushed me down "hoon let me go~" he shook his head "if you try again I'll sit on you" I rolled my eyes trying to get up but he indeed sat on me.

I pushed him off making him land on the floor "your such a fatass!" He pouted standing up sticking his tongue "got stabbed and your still a bitch" I smiled sarcastically "I think Yeseo needs to rest" the three nodded at my doctor.

"Listen to your doctor and eat your medication okay?" I nodded at my brother as he pecked my forehead before leaving "Yunjins coming tmr" I nodded at hoon excited as he pecked my cheek and left "make a move on Sunoo" Jungwon whispered as I rolled my eyes with a smile before he pecked my cheek and left.

I smiled at Sunoo a bit embarrassed regarding what Jungwon said earlier "I'm sorry about Jungwon yk how he is" he chuckled nodding "yep he's got a big ass mouth" I agreed.

"So what exactly happened? If your uncomfortable you don't have to answer" I shook my head "I was just walking with my EarPods in when I accidentally got caught in the middle of a police chase and got stabbed" he nodded with a small smile placing his hand on mine "your really strong" I blushed shyly.

"Anyways I'll let you rest, I'll be your doctor so if you need anything just call me" he handed me my phone with his number in it as he was about to leave I held his hand "um Sunoo thanks.....I'm really grateful for you."

He smiled softly holding my hand before pecking it "my pleasure cutie" he winked and left. HE WINKED AND CALLED ME CUTIE EHHHHHHH.


Doctor love *Sunoo ff*Where stories live. Discover now