Baby? 😬

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Yeseo POV
Getting a ride home from my bestie I unlocked my front door carefully stepping in, assuming my boyfriend was asleep I tiptoed to the kitchen, picking up a glass I filled mysef some water before leaning on the counter gulping down the liquid.

"Meow" lifting my gaze to the little kitten on the counter he brushed his face against my arm "hey baby" picking him up I rubbed my nose on his "how did you get up here?" another innocent meow left the animals mouth as I chuckled "had fun?"

I looked up to be met with my boyfriend's pissed face, folding his arm he leaned on the doorframe, placing ddongsik on the floor I smiled nervously at the man I loved.

"Oh hey sunny, how come your still up?" he scoffed approaching me "maybe cuz my girlfriends been out all night without telling me anything?" I sighed thinking the best lie "I was at my brothers, I forgot to message" he rolled his eyes.

Turning his head to me he poked his cheek with tongue and I swear to God I almost got on my knees for him "you went to your older brothers dressed like THAT?" I nodded hopeful "we went out-" CRASH.

I flinched as he threw a glass across the room "stop fukin lying!?!" I stared at him in utter shock of his outburst, I'd never seen this side of him "I'm not-" "I called Jay hyung and he said he hasn't been you since last week, so what's your next lie baby?"

He tilted his head waiting, sweats of anger dripped down his forehead, I took in a deep breath before stepping forward "sunny its not what you think-" "so tell me what it is?!? Tell me my girlfriend isn't cheating on me?! That I'm enough for you?! Please baby!"

My heart shattered at the sight of the love of my life breaking down before me, his head bowed he sobbed tears falling down his gorgeous face, I reached out holding his face "I love you sunsun, never fukin forget that."

He looked up at me teary eyed "tell me b-baby, where w-were you?" I sighed "sun I was out with a work friend, a um.....male friend" I looked up kinda scared of his reaction but he was.....laughing?

I furrowed my brows "sun?" he calmed down walking up to me, holding my hands he looked into my eyes "you hid that from me?" I nodded looking down "I thought you might get I don't know, jealous?" he burst out into a fit of laughter.

"Oh my God love no, I'm not gonna be jealous of a guy when your already all mine, shit I was scared I wasn't enough and you were cheating" I froze, he thought I was cheating? I stepped back hurt.

He looked at me confused "baby?" I scoffed "you think I'd cheat? that's what you think of me sun?" he sighed shaking his head "of course not love its just that..." brushing his fingers along my cheek he continued "your just soo fukin perfect."

Confusion radiating of me I waited for him to explain "your wayyyy above me love, you deserve a man wayyyy better than me, I'm scared I'm not enough for you" awh he's really a cutie.

Squeezing his hands I cracked a warm smile "your perfect sunny, all I could dream for, never doubt my love for you okay?" he smiled shyly nodding as I chuckled getting on my toes to press a kiss to his flawlessly made lips.


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