Breakfast in bed 🍳

181 13 15

Yeseo POV
I woke up to someone shaking me gently "wakey wakey baby" I whined as I hesitantly opened my eyes to see the beautiful image of my boyfriend smiling down at me.

"Hey Sunny~" he smiled softly "morning love" pecking my cheek I moved up so he could sit next to me "I bought breakfast" my heart warmed up at his sweet act.

"Aigoo your soo adorable sunsun" he chuckled blushing slightly as he opened the boxes "I made it with eomma" no he didn't~ "aish this is too much Sunoo" he shook his head placing the foods down "anything for my special girl.......

"Aigoo your soo adorable sunsun" he chuckled blushing slightly as he opened the boxes "I made it with eomma" no he didn't~ "aish this is too much Sunoo" he shook his head placing the foods down "anything for my special girl

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Eomma also insisted, she was soo excited when I told her about you, you'll have to meet my family one day" I chuckled at his excited puppy like behaviour "sure sunsun" his smile reached his eyes.

"Eat eat" I nodded as he fed me a spoonful of white rice "wah" my eyes sparkled "now I really wanna meet your eomma" he chuckled as we continued eating and by we I mean Sunoo sweetly shoving food down my throat.

"Your soo skinny aish" I rolled my eyes as another spoonful was thrown into my mouth "yah Kim Sunoo I'm gonna become fat cuz of you" he scoffed "never, even if your the fattest fuk in the world I'll love you" I rolled my eyes "yeah yeah sure lover boy" he chuckled continuing feeding me.

Halfway through eating his mothers fukin amazing food I heard a chuckle next to me "you've got some food on your cheek babe" my eyes widened in embarrassment as I was about to wipe it off I felt a tongue press against my cheek.

His tongue moved from the spot on my cheek to my mouth, closing my eyes I giggled against his soft tongue before pushing him away "SUNOO I HAVEN'T EVEN BRUSHED MY TEETH YET!!!" He shrugged trying to kiss me again "you taste better than any food babes, so come back here" I giggled running away, if only we could stay like this forever.


Doctor love *Sunoo ff*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang