Work visit 🙊

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Yeseo POV
I left a little earlier than Sunoo for work, I sat in my office talking to Sunghoon about our next mission.

"Jisoo said shes gonna be on top of this mission, apparently its a big one" I nodded as my partner pulled up the info on his laptop.

"Park Minhwang, mafia king-" I let out a cackle "what? I'm serious seo!" my bestie pouted while I laughed my arse off.

"Okay okay, God people are weird, why would you call yourself a fukin mafia king? Soo cringey" Sunghoon agreed before continuing.

"Anyways! As I was saying hes a fukin menace, cheeky fuker gets around everywhere without leaving shit to put on him so are gonna catch him in the act-" "seo your lil boyfies here~"

I looked to the door to find Yunjin grinning "w-what?" she walked over pecking her boyfriends lips before sitting on his lap "he's upstairs waiting for you" ah fuk.

My eyes widened "what the fuk!?!" she shrugged "better go to him before he comes to find you~"

I sighed standing up "I won't take long hoon" he shrugged looking at his girl lovingly "take your time" ugh horny kids.

Rolling my eyes I walked off "don't fuk on my desk!" time to deal with my sweet boyfie.

"Yo Aera hand me an apron" she nodded giving me said item "have fun~" she giggled before forcing me out.

I stepped immediately catching sight of the love of my life looking around like a lost puppy.

Smiling to myslef I ran over back hugging him "guess who~" he chuckled turning to face me "hey baby."

Pecking my lips I giggled as he wrapped his arms around my waist "how come your here?" we sat down opposite each other.

"Why? Can I not come visit my beautiful girlfriend at work?" he wiggled his brows teasingly "sunny~"

He chuckled breathy "I just wanted to have lunch with you, can we?" aigoo hes soo adorable "sure."

"Why don't you make me an ice latte?" he grinned excitedly...... kill me.....seriously "mkay, wait here handsome."

"Aera~" the girl turned around chuckling at my whiny state "he wants me to make him a frickin ice latte, I'm shit at that!"

She pat my back "want me to teach you?" I pouted nodding "come on Mrs Kim" I rolled my eyes at her teasing.

After an eternity of damn coffee making we finished the stupid latte "and now your a pro" I rolled my eyes playfully "thanks A, I owe you one."

Leaving the kitchen I walked over to my boyfie "what took soo long?" I handed the latte before sitting.

"Aera needed some help" he nodded bringing the cup to his lips "woah that shits good" I giggled happily, I made that! Sorta but meh.

After an hour it was time for Sunoo to get back to the hosital "I'll see you at home babe, love you" I hmed "love you too sunsun" he pecked my lips before leaving.

Releasing a heavy breath I took the secret elevator down to my office "I'm coming in you better not be naked~"

I waltzed into me and Sunghoons shared office grinning cheekily "guess I'm off" Yunjin kissed Sunghoon before walking out.

"Had fun?" Sunghoon teased while I rolled my eyes seating myself "I'll stab you, I ain't kidding" he chuckled.

"Anyways the mission, you'll go as his date for the evening" I gagged as my bestie deadpanned.

"AND we'll see where the event will take us okay? But before you gotta go on a blind date and get him intrested enough for him to ask you to go with him to the party k?"

I groaned slumping in my seat "why can't any of our targets be a woman ah forget that I'd prolly be sent anyways, I'm wayyyy hotter than you" Sunghoon scoffed but he knew it's true.

I clapped my hands jumping up "even better, let's find a gay target" my partner gave me a blank look "I will not do it!"

I rolled my eyes "your boring, but you wouldn't have a choice, oh god please give us a gay target for hoonie~" the latter chuckled punching my arm playfully.


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