"We haven't talked about it all. I don't know where we'd go from here." I said as I placed Natalia in her bed.

"No. No, no Emilia." Nat protested as I tried to lay her down. "Quiero dormir con Emilia."
(Translation: I want to sleep with Emilia)

"They still can't sleep apart." Lottie said and I nodded moving Nat to Emy's bed.

Once they were down Lottie and I left their room and sat in her kitchen.

"Val you have to figure out where you want to go with her. I mean by yourself first. Do you see yourself being with her, in a relationship I mean." Lottie asked

"Of course, it's just our timing and situation isn't very practical right now."

"I know that, but don't give her hope that you'll go somewhere with her and not go anywhere." Lottie said.

"I know, I'll need to talk to her. Because I do really like her Lottie, she's different from Zara. Serene, calm. Everything is soft and gentle instead of chaotic and rocky."

"That's something that you deserve after the hell storm she caused for you. But that doesn't mean you should make things rocky and chaotic for Letty. Don't do that anymore." She scolded me.

"Yeah, I wouldn't now. I can't." I sighed.

"Good. Now, can you please help me flapjacks, Stella isn't here and I'm useless at baking." She said in a much more cheery tone, I chuckled slightly and agreed.

✾ ✾ ✾

After I finished helping Lottie with everything I came home and got dressed for work and headed into school.

I love teaching but the thing is I don't like it when the students are incapable.

Sloppy with their work, late to hand it in and put in minimal effort.

Thankfully today it's English 12, one of the easier classes I have and also coincidentally my favourite.

I walked through the school towards my class and got started on what I had to do.

They were all supposed to be finishing their essays today and handing them in.

"Ah miss Fairbourne you're here." Meryl the schools assistant says at my door.

"Yes." I say coldly to her.

"Glad you're here on time, Daniella is looking for you." She says and I turn my head towards her.

"Why?" I ask her confusedly.

"A quick meeting, I hear it's good news." She smiles at me.

Meryl is who you'd classify as one of the schools gossips. She heads everything and likes to spread it around.

I don't talk to many teachers here, just the guidance councillor, Anna, a biology teacher, Ron, Daniella, and mr Daley. They are all quite like myself and keep to their business and out of the way of everyone else's. The rest of the teacher are a headache and like to get too involved in everyone else's life.

"Let's go then." I say and she turns in her heel as I walk behind her.

She stops at Daniella's office and knocks. "You can go in." She says turning to me. "Tell me if it's good news yeah Val?" She whispered.

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