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Joe's POV

I went to go see my baby boy. I entered the room where they had kept him. He's still weak so I couldn't hold him yet. I looked inside the little see through box to see my carbon copy.

He looks just like me. He has all my features. The only thing he got from his mother was her eye color.

"My baby boy, you look just like me" I whispered to my baby. "I love you so so much" I said softly.


It's been a month and Emilia has been in a coma. I took our baby home. I've been taking care of him the whole time. I didn't want anyone to touch him. I love him so much. I named him Cole because his mother wanted to give him that name.

I was feeding him his bottle when I got a phone call from the hospital. "Hello?" I said into the phone. "Is this miss de Luca?" The receptionist asked me.

"Yes, why?" I asked "Emilia is awake and asked to see you" the receptionist said making me stand up immediately making sure I didn't hurt my baby Cole.

"I'm on my way" I said as I hung up the phone. I packed a baby bag for Cole and  a bag for Emilia since she's getting discharged today.

I drove to the hospital really quickly. I told my parents and Emilia's parents to come to the hospital.

When I arrived there I gave Cole to my mother and went to see Emilia. I walked in to see her on the hospital bed. I walked to her with a smile. "I missed you so much my love" I said as I kissed her lips slowly.

She started to sniffle "what's wrong baby?" I asked as I started wiping tears from her face. "Where's our baby" she asked hesitantly. "He's here I'll go get him" I said making her smile brightly.

I fetched Cole and  brought him to her. Emilia started crying "I carried this guy for almost 9 months and he turned out to look exactly like you" she said making me laugh.

"I'm going to marry you" I said out of nowhere. "So I don't have a choice " she chuckled "nope" I pointed at the ring on her finger. I had put it on when I visited her. "You're stuck with me" I said with a smile.

"Ohh and what torture that would be" she said sarcastically. I leaned in and kissed her softly. "I love you" I whispered to her "I love you and Cole with my whole heart" I said as I kissed Cole's forehead. "I love you both so much" Emilia said with a smile.

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