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Belle never loved the beast
She just avoided being a feast
A little happiness from a rose atleast
Exchanged her life imprisoned in the east.

In the night, the beast would howl
Under the bed, Belle would crawl
Shivering under a flimsy shawl
Fainting on every day's 2nd hour.

There were no furnitures talking
No utensils moving
There was only a bloody munching
Evey dinner she would wake up attending.

The castle was not majestic
It was a ruins full of rusty relic
A library, no books just an attic
Her safest place preventing her manic.

The beast was whom who fell
In his delusions he dwell
Before letting her out to tell
Her father that she had been well.

Belle had no plan
On returning in three days' span
But in her worry, she ran
To save her father from harm.

It was not a cry for despair
But a relief in a form of a tear
She intended to cut the beast's ear
But he awoke as a man from a monstrous bear.

A legend was then passed on
The story was they happily lived on
With love their children were born
And vanished without even a bone.

A fairytale now exsist
The beauty and the beast
This lie might persist
But there was the truth amidst.

After that magical transformation
Belle was not moved or was lovelorn
She ran away, with her sanity torn
Fell on a pit, died at the seventh hour of the morn.


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