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I am suffocating
Inside this room
I know that I am breathing
My lungs are contracting
But it does not feel
Like I am exhaling
I keep inhaling
And I could see
my chest heaving.
The thoughts in my head
Are running
Mental stability
Is tilting
What if I am actually dying?

An unknown cause or
From the cat bite I got
That morning
What if my blood
Was clotting?
What if it was food poisoning?
Or caused by an external being?
I do not know, maybe
This is just my brain overthinking
Speculating on an unexplainable thing.

Most probably, I am just paranoid.
This is my fear invading.
Every atom of my being
Goosebumps occurring
But is unknown to me
Because of the numb feeling
As my stomach get stiff
My attempt to sleep get stiffling
For I cannot execute proper breathing
Consciousness drifting
It will be resolved with an hour of waiting
For everything to go back to normal
Then I will just forget
This episode
And remember it again
When it comes
Another night
Of suffocation
Experience the sinking
But notice the breathe stopping
Another hour
Of overthinking
.. can't breathe.


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