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Anguish was it?
Shock of sadness
After I heard
Shrill rejection
Your denial
Voice of condemn.

What did I do?
I have no clue
Did not argue
Nor fight with you.
Futile reasons
I was a child.

My ignorance
Not dare did ask
My ma nor pa.
Love what it means?
Care, need, and want?
From them and thee?

My memory
Which is oldest.
It's you who did
Feed, clothed, warmed me
You were my ma
In fact my aunt.

Now I hear you
Aunt my dearest
Jives of fishes
Behind my back.
Say I deserve
Short life of doom.

And then I thought
Oh yes I knew!
Those love and care
Were needs and wants
Golds and silvers
From my mother.

I am sorry
I understand
Now I'm older
Not ignorant
Though I was schocked
Now I am numb.

My aunt Helen
For all of that
Please accept thee
Tiny last bit.
My gratitude,
Composed silence.


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