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Felt like
I was draining
My bucket of water
Seeps through a hole.

A little crack
Of weakness
In my heart
It is destroying me.

I feel like
I am a fool
A child
Never grew up.

Only locked up
My emotios inside
Prevented to pry
Avoided a fly.

I just stopped
For a second
I just looked
But then got hammered.

I do not really
Think I deserved
To be smiling
After she left.

Just wanted to
Live an atonement
For her disappointment
I strayed left.

Became soft
Eyes got glimmer
Became dependent
Fell in a dent.

Reached out
Was too late
No one was
Waiting up there.

There was
A frog
With me
In that well.

He told me
"You are too cold!"
Was I?
Touched my chest.

I stopped breathing
It was hollow
Skin pale
Bones frail.

Where was it
That beating flesh?
It was red
It was warm.

Oh I know
Scooped it out
Gave to tout
It was trampled.


POEMSDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora