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I had a wish
A tiny and simple wish
It is to live
Lead a simple life
In a little house
With a white fence around.
I will wake in your arms
Snuggle a bit more
Then make us breakfast
Coffee or tea
With bread or fried eggs
While we listen to the radio
Or the chirping of birds
Or our laughs and chuckles
To start our day
In the gentleness of each other.

A little euphoria
A paradise mania
Floating in the air
Going far away
Although non existent
It is my peace and quiet.

It is just a wish
That is out of my reach
Because where I live
Is too chaotic to breath
Inside a box
Robotic console
I write and read
Please the greed
Then chomp on what
It seems a peice of land
Or a cake of meat
Or a lump of wood
That churns inside
Sour and wrinkled
A bottomless black hole.


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