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He is sick
I remember
This was also
How I felt
When the one
With an illness
Was her
I was too calm
Too uncaring
Almost aloof
To the life
In front of me.

Though he
Will be better
I am
Forced to remember
How I acted
When it was her
That told me
The pain she suffers.

I was too naive
Disgusting innocence
Unfounded pride
Mocking me now
Deep inside
I am the cause.

I killed her
I never cared
I thought that
She will be better
Thought it was
Just a little fever
With the right tablets
She'd be back
To her valor.

But no
There was
Too much
Tablets kept
Listed and scheduled
A dozen
In two days
Made her
More and more paler
She vomits
The porridge
I fed her
It was horrible
Thinking back
To it now
I want to strangle
That past self
Ignorant fool
It is your mother!
Be a bit more
Caring of her!

A conscience I have
Until now I drag
With me on my steps
As I pray and hope
My father would
Be just fine.

His coughs at night
Just a passing flu
Will not incur
A tragedy too
Hope he'd listen
To stop going
With those
In the
Alcoholic den.

I know that
He is strong
Just please
Let us be together
For atleast
A few more decades
So that in the future
She could rest at peace
I will be stronger
I will be better
Just for now
I beg
You lord almighty
Please heal
Us of these
Weakness we have
And let us
Step forward
Without faltering
Caused by these
Heavy logs.


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