I mean I might as well get good grades out of all of this.

✾ ✾ ✾

After a while of studying, I heard people leave and I knew Kinsleys friend had left.

I kept studying and tried to get as much done as I could. Especially for maths, since it's the one subject I'm horrible at.

A few moments passed until I heard the door bell.

It was answered and then my name was called.

"Letty, for you." I heard Colton say.

I went down stairs slower than I should have but I eventually made it.

"Hello?" I asks the man in front of me at the door.

"Are you Collette?" He asked me.

"Yeah." I said.

"Great." He left and walked back to his car and came back with a bouquet of pink tulips.

He handed them to me before saying his goodbyes and walking away.

I was stunned. I stayed there for a moment just looking at them.

I walked to the kitchen because I didn't know here else to go with a bunch of flowers.

"Ooh someone's lucky, who are they from?" Colton asked me. As he wiggled his eyebrows while stirring a pot.

"I don't know." I shrugged.

"Check the card then."

I looked at the card and it said.

I'm sorry darling, flowers enough for begging?
      - V

I wanted to melt and I thought this would be enough. I could be mature about this and go over and say she's forgiven and talk it through with her properly.

"Well?" Colton asked.

"They're from someone in school." I said, not a lie but it's also not exactly the truth.

"That's exciting. So another date this weekend? You're getting lucky this year kiddo." He said with a smile and I chuckled.

"I don't know, we'll see." I picked up the flowers and smelt them on the way up the stairs.

They smelled like rain. But fresh rain, like the kind that leaves a lingering smell in the air. Fresh and soft.

I looked at them for a moment as I set them on my bed. Surely this was enough. She really did seem sorry earlier.

But I don't exactly know how to know if the beginning was enough. So I texted Zoë.

She sent me flowers!! Tulips! Pink ones

ZoZo 💋
Not enough. I'm coming over.

What?! I feel like it's more than enough. She seemed sorry anyways.

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