chapter 77

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3rd pov

"Run y/n, run!" They all scream, which made y/n jolts shocked and run immediately.

Y/n, Zoro, Sanji, Brook and Kinemon run as fast as they could when the poison gas is coming closer.

"Oi! It's gonna reach us soon!" Said Sanji who's in Nami's body to everyone.

"Guys, run at full speed!" Zoro spoke firmly.

"Then what are we doing now?" Grumbled y/n sarcasticly while giving a side glare at Zoro.

Zoro frowned at y/n, before saying loudly. "If anybody gets caught, we'll have to leave you!"

Y/n whines and try to run even faster when the poison gas almost gonna catch them.

"We're damned!" They all grunt while running faster, some even made weird expression.

"Run faster than wind!" Yell Zoro full spirit.

"Ah, what have we been doing since earlier then??" Y/n grumble tiredly and keeps running. Somehow they managed to run even faster with their legs moving quickly.

"I see a mysterious animal ahead!" Said Brook.


"A dragon!"

"A dragon?!"

"Guy's, let's hop on its body! That's the only choice we had! I dont want to die!" Y/n suggested.

"Ah, right! Let's do that!" With that, they ran even more faster to catch up with the dragon.


"Oh, that's Zoro and the others!" Said Luffy, surprise seeing five of them running in the screen. "They're being chased by the smoke!"

"What are they doing here? I mean, why are they running like that. Look at y/n." Frankie point out weirdly at y/n ugly face who's running. Robin just smile watching the screen.

"Hey, guys! That smoke is deadly! You have to ru..n.." luffy calls to his friends  but his voice soften when he felt weak against Sea Prism Stone, preventing him from raising his voice.

Caesar commends Luffy's friends for their toughness, but tells him it is all in vain since soon the island will be a place where nothing can exist and the only people able to survive are inside the lab.

Just then the cage begins to tip backward. Caesar boasts that a pirate with a high bounty, a Marine vice admiral, and a Shichibukai could not stop him.

While, chopper who's "hiding" behind the wall worrying about what he should do.

"Oh no! He's gonna do something to Luffy and the others! What should i do?!" Chopper thought to himself.

Just then, a small piece of paper hits him in the head. He uncrumples it and sees the words "do not do anything", and wonders who threw it.


The cage, revealed to be attached to a crane outside, is now outside the facility dangling over the crowd by the door.

The Marines outside call out to Smoker and Tashigi, terrified that everyone was captured.


"Tashigi chan!"

"What a relief! They're fine!"

"But they're still held captive!"

"Damn! So we're all gonna die!"


Law decides to set his plan in motion and orders Franky to blow a fireball at a destroyed ship.

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